Article: Hyuna, chopstick legs...proof shot of a successful diet
Source: My Daily
- [+394, -13] Don't make anorexia fashionable. The children will copy it.
- [+187, -31] I hate your chopstick looked so much healthier before
- [+112, -9] That's a lot of leg but I'm not even envious at all. Looks gross~~
- [+86, -5] Growing kids are watching..please find a healthier way to diet, your health is much more important..
- [+75, -33] What the...she looks like a kkolbogi ㅋㅋ
- [+12, -12] What is this article...she looks sick--
- [+8, -1] Look at the title of the article; please think about how dangerous it is to go on a diet to get chopstick legs. It's not a healthy diet you will end up in bones...this is dangerous to society--
- [+6, -2] ㅋㅋ where in the world are those chopsticks?
- [+3, -0] Reporter...what is it you're trying to say??
- [+4, -3] Just live look like a junkie~
- [+3, -2] Does she eat??
- [+3, -2] The one that made her boyfriend lose his job..I wonder if she's still proud of that~