
Daily Naver is a blog dedicated to translating Korean articles about Kpop, Kdrama, Kvariety, and other relevant things in the Korean entertainment industry posted on Naver.

Our focus is mainly trending Korean entertainment articles and comments posted on Korea's top news portal, Naver, as they're known for being most trafficked and civil. I'll also occasionally translate articles from Nate, next most-trafficked site after Naver, and forum communities Pann and The Qoo.

Netizens play a huge role in the decisions made by K-entertainment agencies. Trending articles shared on portals like Naver, Nate and Pann provide great insight into Korean sentiment on topics presented hence the cause-effect relationship with K-pop etc. Please read our FAQ  and Tags for more info.

NOTE: All translations are mine unless quoted or otherwise noted and must be taken out with full credits linking to Daily Naver. Please know that I'm human too and might make mistakes or errors in translation or grammar due to how I perceive the original word/comment.

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Thank you for checking us out and I hope you enjoy your time here at the blog! 🤗 

Happy K-Poppin!! 🎊