Article: Trainees are leaving back to back or signing contracts with other agencies? YG: "Everything is going as planned without problems.. [official statement]"
Source: My Daily via Nate
YG Entertainment is in crisis after reports that trainees are jumping ship.
According to a report by edaily on the 27th, YG trainees are in talks with other agencies and some trainees already have contracts with new agencies. In particular, trainees who appeared in 'YG Treasure Box' and 'Produce X 101' are showing signs of leaving YG after reports that they're contacting other agencies.
A YG official addressed the reports on the 27th stating, "All employees are working as usual. Everything is going as planned without problems."
YG has been embroiled in controversy since the beginning of this year with 'Burning Sun' gate involving former Big Bang member Seungri. Former CEO Yang Hyun Suk has also been embroiled in suspicions of mediating prostitution and illegal gambling overseas.
Police plan to summon Seungri and Yang Hyun Suk this week for the alleged gambling overseas.
- [+915, -8] They're better off going to another company to make their debut. There's been more than enough instances where trainees didn't make it out of the pharmacy to debut.
- [+786, -8] If they stay the YG tag will follow them around forever even after debut...they're better off getting out..
- [+683, 9] These trainees are all young kids..why would you have your child in that trash den of drugs, gambling, and underage s*x? They're better off getting out as soon as possible.
- [+34, -1] Remember those two kids that won kpopstar and went into the pharmarcy? One escaped and went to another company but the other one stayed? ㅋㅋ Hyun Jin's parents were smart. No matter how you look at it YG is a sinking ship.
- [+29, -1] The know that escaping YG is the best option ㅋㅋ
- [+28, -1] If I was a parent I would never let my child debut in a company like that.
- [+25, -2] They're acting all cool on the surface but I bet they're a mess on the inside ㅋㅋ