Netizens express concern over Hyuna's clavicle piercing

Article[Health concerns vs. personal fashion] Hyuna's 'unconventional clavicle piercing'

Source: Sports Chosun

Hyuna's unconventional piercing is eliciting mixed reactions from netizens.

Hyuna shared a shocking photo on her SNS on the 7th showing off her clavicle piercing catching attention.

Netizens expressed mixed reactions to her new piercing with many expressing concerns over her health. Netizens commented "That must've hurt a lot", "Isn't there a risk of infection?", "I'm afraid kids will follow this trend". 

In particular, the piercing appeared to be tender as the piercing area was red. Clavicle piercings are known to be very painful compared to normal piercings and also tend to bleed a lot.

  1. [+2,469, -76] Hul~I'm scared of the piercings getting infected ㅜㅠ it's dangerous. Hyuna-ssi, you're pretty just the way you are ㅜ please don't do these things
  2. [+1,068, -75] The funniest thing is when she said that it gets caught by the metal detectors at the airport ㅋㅋ
  3. [+812, -21] How do you even get those to stay in? With earrings and nose piercings they have a backing that comes out but are those just stuck on? It just looks like it hurts..
  4. [+901, -290] Gross~
  5. [+192, -9] She's not taking on Han Ye Seul is she?
  6. [+169, -14] Please don't share this in the media! Immature kids will try to copy!! Please take it down ㅠㅠ
  7. [+159, -11] First Han Ye Seul's nose Hyuna's clavicle, what's next?? Piercings on the forehead??
  8. [+149, -12] It's not even pretty...she's going to get an infection
  9. [+121, -4] Doesn't her collarbone hurt? ㅜㅜ
  10. [+63, -7] Ugh..gross

Additional source: (1)

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