JTBC president is making headlines with allegations that Samsung is backing Cho Joo Bin

Article: "I thought Samsung was behind Cho Joo Bin", Son Seok-hee explains why he didn't report alleged blackmail

Source: Chosun Ilbo

JTBC President is making headlines with his allegations that Samsung is backing Cho Joo Bin.

Cho reportedly contacted JTBC president Son Seok-hee (64) through Telegram, impersonating President Heung Shin-so. Cho sent him a message writing, "Kim Woong [freelance journalist] paid me to harm you and your family." Son responded to Cho's demand for money but did not report the blackmail to police.

When asked why he never reported the alleged blackmail by Cho, who's behind the "nth room" and "baksa" telegram accounts, Son explained, "I didn't report Cho blackmailing me because I thought Samsung was behind him. Cho showed me a message that showed Kim Woong was well acquainted with Samsung so I had no choice but to make that decision."

He added, "Later, through CCTV, I was able to confirm that a suspicious person was standing near my house for about 6 months causing fear for the family. The family felt threatened."

When asked for a statement, a JTBC official stated, "There's nothing to say at the company level."

  1. [+18,796, -1,839] Then why did Samsung suddenly go quiet
  2. [+14,285, -2,186] This fraudster Son Seok-hee is trying to pull the wool over our eyes blaming Samsung because he's backed in a corner so he's sending an SOS to Moon Jae-ang. Everyone knows how double-faced he is. With the prosecution still trying to fool and deceive the public this is not the time to forgive these thugs. He is a very dangerous man in Korea.
  3. [+8,227, -76] Look at him keep twisting his lies
  4. [+9,349, -1399] He approached him pretending to be CEO Heung Shin-so?? Is he serious right now. I can't believe someone like him was a news anchor. He's the one instigating people to light up pitchforks. He's the reason why our country is in ruins.
  5. [+5,203, -79] In the meantime Samsung isn't even acknowledging his existenceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  6. [+3,063, -27] There's nothing more to explain then.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If its really true then they need to investigate that Samsung employee and collect evidence and take him to court. But there's a chance this ba$tard is just trying to f*** over Samsung too but if what he's saying is true, then that cowardly journalist needs to investigated because that explanation is beyond ridiculous.
  7. [+2,052, -4] Samsung is using these thugs to extort 10 million won from Son Seok-hee?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is peak conspiracy theory.ㅋㅋ
Additional source: Segye


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