Former AOA member Yookyung addresses rumors of alleged bullying


Article: Former AOA Yoo Kyung after Kwon Min-ah's revelations, "I looked the same at the time...leave it all behind"

Source: TV Report

Former AOA member Yookyung is drawing attention for her message on Instagram.

On the 3rd, she wrote a post with the message, "To be honest, I looked the same at the time." She then shared some of the lyrics from song "Leave It all Behind" by the band 'Sleeping With Sirens'. The lyrics stated, "I can't forget the eyes of the bystanders. I wanna kill the pain I feel inside. But I won't quit for the people I love. So I’ll say I’m fine until the day I f***ing see the light.”

Her post is drawing attention amid revelations by former member Mina that Jimin bullied her for 10 years. Yookyung left the group in 2016.

In the meantime, FNC has yet to address the growing controversy.

  1. [+3,936, -47] If you're trying to expose it stop beating around the bush
  2. [+3,424, -24] It must be why all three left the group without any explanations
  3. [+3,195, -56] Please reveal it clearly. This is a dog fight. Were you bullied like Kwon Mina-ah too. Did the company unfairly kick you out and did everyone ask you to let it go and just forget. 
  4. [+302, -3] Choa promoted with AOA for a longtime too and left the group all of a sudden without an explanation. She must've been bullied too.
  5. [+284, -2] Jimin-ah. You're the only one going to lose if you keep holding on like this. Just apologize cleanly and genuinely and exit the entertainment industry for good. No one wants to see you anymore. 
  6. [+279, -10] So Seolhyun was also a bystander?
  7. [+155, -1] If you're going to write it like this then just keep quiet
Additional Source: Newsen

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