Netizens share reactions to Jimin's exit from AOA and the industry


Source: Xports News

FNC's statement: "This is FNC Entertainment. First, we would like to apologize for causing concern to many people through the events related to Jimin that have been unfolding recently. From this moment forth, Jimin has decided to leave AOA and halt all of her activities in the entertainment industry. Additionally, our agency accepts responsibility for this entire situation, and we will put our full focus on managing our artists in the future. Once again, we apologize for causing concern through these unfortunate matters."

Knight image
  1. [+1,862, -14] You should've done this when Mina first told the staff...
  2. [+1,799, -14] Just do whatever Mina says
  3. [+1,490, -7] Yeah, don't come out
  4. [+184, -0] Don't even be a YouTuber in the future. Live a quiet life reflecting on yourself for the rest of your life. I hope I don't see you on TV from now on. 
  5. [+176, -2] What about her best friend Seolhyun?!
  6. [+162, -1] The fact that she brought a man to their dorm makes it impossible for her to comeback from this. Her idol life is over. I hope I don't get to see such an ugly person ever again. 
  7. [+160, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This must've been your last resort after realizing nothing could be done to undo the damage.ㅅ ㅅI can tell they spent time thinking about the statement.  
  8. [+139, -4] Isn't all of AOA problematic? Do you think it'll be over if she leaves. Their silence was also acquiescence. I hope to never see AOA on TV ever again
  9. [+130, -3] It looks like FNC gave up and let her quit because they could't find a solutionㅋㅋㅋ
  10. [+112, -0] The leader brought a man to their dorms. This is a matter of the agency entrusting a position like that to a child with no leadership qualifications. 
  1. [+2,956, -73] have to face criminal charges.
  2. [+2,604, -36] AOA is already over irregardless of whether she stayed or not.. I just hope she doesn't think of ever coming back on TV.
  3. [+2,586, -34] Farewell. Let's not see each other ever again.
  4. [+530, -4] The agency needs to properly apologize to Mina and compensate her. Seeing as Jimin went as far as bringing a man to their dorms just goes to show they aren't managing them properly.  
  5. [+479, -4] Just close down FNC... You haven't done what an agency should've done in this situation so what's the reason for the company to exist? You guys are accomplices as well. 
  6. [+439, -4] Those around Mina need to protect her right now so that the agency doesn't go after her right now. 
  7. [+354, -3] Looks like FNC tried to hold on but once talks of sex at the dorm came out decided it was the last straw
  8. [+282, -5] She's going to crawl back out on TV anyway and try to make a comeback.ㅋ
What do you think of the news? Do you agree with netizens? 

Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes.