Infected students take CSATs in hospital rooms as Korea grapples with rising coronavirus cases

Article: 540 new confirmed cases, 500 new cases on 2nd consecutive day...severe rapid increase of 16 cases overnight

Source: Yonhap News

This is a comprehensive translation of three articles [Yonhap, News1YTN] that reveal that due to increased coronavirus cases in Korea, students are arriving at CSAT test locations wearing protective clothing and parents are not able to see off their kids are they get ready to take the exam. 

Also, students that tested positive for coronavirus are taking their exams in hospital rooms with a supervisor wearing Level D protective suit and medical personnel available in case of an emergency. 

The CSAT (college entrance exam), which was delayed for two weeks in the aftermath of coronavirus infections is being held at the same time at 1383 test sites in 86 test districts across the country, with a record minimum of 49,343 people taking the test. 

  1. [+826, -21] Goodluck on your exam!
  2. [+587, -14] Fighting!
  3. [+360, -11] I'm worried about the supervisors and test takersㅜㅜ Guys.. find strength.ᅲ
  4. [+275, -103] They wouldn't even let us see off our high school kids...isn't this discrimination? ㅡ
  5. [+240, -37] Hul~ It's getting worseᅮ. Everyone, follow the quarantine rules and be careful.
  6. [+202, -27] We're in deep trouble..ㅠ Everyone..please wear your masks! For all the students taking their CSATs today, fighting!
  7. [+188, -2] Ah..let's hurry up and jail the corona already
  8. [+26, -1] ㅋㅋㅋThis guy really takes his life seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  9. [+18, -0] If this happened a few years ago you would think this guy is a psychopath. I can't believe this is normal these days ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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