Chinese beauty creator 'Chi Yu' under controversy for deep faking IU's face for content

Article"Huh? Wasn't that IU?" The reason why its different with deep fake technology...." Hul

Source: Asia Economy

Recently, a Chinese beauty content creator 'Chi Yu' [China IU] with a face similar to IU appeared on a Tik Tok wearing clothes similar to IU and using her unique expressions. A lot of netizens mistakenly took her for IU and sent her messages in support.

It was later revealed that she used 'deep fake' technology to synthesize her face to resemble IU as much as possible in order to market her content. An expert has asked for investigations into allegations of people using celebrity's images to create deep fake content.

In the meantime, due to increase use of deep fake videos on Twitter, netizens posted a petition on Twitter asking for "strong punishment of illegal video 'deep fake' sites and users that cause celebrities to suffer." As of the 28th, the petition has been signed by 381,160 people. 

  1. [+2,195, -30] My hate for China is more than that of Japan..
  2. [+683, -2] Nothing's real except the corona...
  3. [+222, -6] Even the history of China is fake.. Only the Corona is true
  4. [+139, -4] we're stealing people's faces now..
  5. [+23, -2] I hate the Japanese because I'm Korean...I hate China because I'm human. 
  6. [+16, -0] China seriously takes the cake for being the worst race on Earth 
  7. [+10, -0] It's not even that she's a fake IU look-alike. This is a deep fake scam. Ah...IU-ssi please sue her to oblivion!! Stealing other people's face for content is a crime!
  8. [+8, -0] Just wait, next they'll be screaming IU is Chinese just like they did with our kimchi ~~ㅉㅉ


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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