Netizens complain about foreign fans flooding the comment section of Jennie's YouTube channel

Article: "To be honest I like everything in Jennie's YouTube channel...but this is a bit.."

Source: Pann

There are too many comment from overseas fans. 

Actually, one of the big reasons why I like YouTube is because it's fun to read through comment section for the funny comments from Koreans. But now there are too many comments from foreign fans so Korean comments keep getting buried. 

The comment from that Soviet woman on the last video was f***ing hilarious but now I can't even see it. I wish there was an option to only see comments in our language of choice  ㅠ

  1. [+195, -2] Not just Blackpink either, but I want to see silly comments by Koreans on other idol videos too...What's YouTube doing?;;
  2. [+175, -0] Ah~we seriously need this function. Especially kids that fangirl on idols, I'm sure we can all relate to this.
  3. [+89, -0] This is so f***ing true! It's so hard to find a Korean comment on Blackpink's videos these days...barely any funny comments too. 
  4. [+42, -0] It's really hard to find comments from Koreans. There are barely any nowadays...if you do find any they're usually like "hit like if you're Korean..."ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  5. [+24, -1] Right? And it's not like foreign fans are funny's always "love from 00 ^^~ ~ ~ ~"
  6. [+19, -1] The funniest part of the English comments is that they are all praising or sending love from their own country. I really want to see Korean commentsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  7. [+15, -0] Yep...if you read the english comments they're all boring, none of them are funny. 


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes.

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