Paris Hilton tears up recalling the abuse she suffered in boarding school

Article: Paris Hilton in tears, "I was abused in boarding school as a teenager"

Source: Joongang Ilbo 

Paris Hilton attended Senate hearing on the 9th to support juvenile bill and teared up recalling the abuse she suffered at the age of 17 when she attended Provo Canyon Boarding School for 11 months.

Paris testified in tears and revealed that "she suffered mental and physical abuse and was forced to take unknown drugs and put into solitary confinement naked as punishment."

She stated, "It's scary to reveal such personal things but I know there are kids that are experiencing the same abuse I suffered to the point I couldn't sleep at night." 

The boarding school she attended was sold in 2000 and the owner changed.

In the meantime, after Paris revealed in a documentary last fall that she was abused, Michael Jackson's daughter Paris and other celebrities also came forward and revealed the abused they suffered in school. 

  1. [+1,494, -52] Paris Hilton-nim, in Korea, people in their 30s or older especially those in their 40-50s were openly exposed to relentless assault, violent remarks, and mental abuse by chaebol teachers. Most of those teachers are retired now and are living proudly acting like they're above everyone but when I think about it now, it was a very ridiculous time..
  2. [+647, -76] I'm sorry, but the whole country is a disaster so we can't afford to care about you right now. Come back next time...
  3. [+234, -4] Why didn't she just buy up the school?
  4. [+171, -2] In Korea elementary kids that didn't pay their membership fees got called out and beaten up my clubs. They got beaten for not finishing their homework or failing attendance. You were still able to live well since you were born with a golden spoon..
  5. [+104, -1] When I was in high school, our teacher slapped this girl on the cheek so hard to the point that we wondered if she'd make it. And this was a girls school in middle of Gangnam ㅠ
  6. [+53, -2] Everyday I dream about finding that teacher that used to hit me back then and beat him down so that he can feel what I felt ㅋ
  7. [+47, -1] Ah~I remember those psychopath teachers that used to beat up elementary, middle and high schoolers with a poker, hit our toes with a 30cm ruler and slap us with mops to the point we had blood flowing down our faces...
  8. [+33, -1] I'm sorry but a rich daughter like you suffered that? ㅋㅋ. You were born to parents with over 5 billion won and got to live the life of a chaebol even with your lacking skills ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. 


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