Article: "Taemin's misogyny controversy"
Source: Pann
[SHINee on Choi Hwajung 'Power Time' on 02.26.2013]
Taemin: "I have a stereotype. A woman needs to behave like a woman. I like someone who doesn't have thoughts or some sense of responsibility. Someone like that." 28:00
- [+812, -49] Funny how its Korean men with zero manly side to them that say things like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Is he 190cm tall like Westerners. Is he muscular or have a handsome face? I'm still turned off by him from his rug incident. He's turning me off even more now with comments like this. No one cares what you think so please stop outing yourself even furtherㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- [+654, -57] Did he seriously say that with his own mouthㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- [+540, -54] Who cares how long ago this was. Korea was a developed society then too. How common was it for someone to say things like that back then? This is basic common sense..
- [+287, -13] I get saying you don't like "women that swear" or want a woman that "serves you breakfast in the morning" but want kind of person says he doesn't want a woman who has "thoughts" or "sense of responsibility?"
- [+237, -29] Hilarious coming from someone without an ounce of masculinity in him ㅋ
- [+234, -18] Whenever a male idol is under controversy its always: 1."They're stirring things up because its his comeback" 2. "Fans know this already already, its you who needs to mind your own business" 3. "Just trolls.." 4. "He's doing great even if he's getting hate by femis on Pann"
- [+204, -17] A fan pre-recorded him saying this...he even mocked them saying they were "big"
- [+111, -21] 윽 [disgusted]
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