Article: Shocking testimony from Ji-soo's victims, "the bullying was basic, he even sexually assaulted "
Source: Dailian
On the 20th, MBC's 'True Story Expedition' aired exclusive interviews with actor Ji-soo's alumni that revealed his bullying and sexual assault crimes in elementary and middle school.
The victims revealed testimony that Jisoo used students as his "bread shuttle", "human shield", "clown" and forced sex acts on male students during a school retreat in front of other students.
Jisoo wrote to the program and admitted to bullying but denied claims of sexual harassment and assault.
You can read the full article translation here.
- [+4,954, -25] Is he even human?
- [+4,125, -40] He was the son of a Sergeant Emperor in his drama and has such strong body and is it that he's enrolling in social service? I'm really curious to know why
- [+2,339, -32] There's even testimony that he r*ped another female alum too. If its true, shouldn't he be facing prison?
- [+1,071, -32] I know he's admitted and apologized for the bullying but still...people like him never change.
- [+660, -31] Did he become a celebrity to wash away his dirty past?
- [+532, -2] Why is a young man in peak physical health enlisting in social service after all the heavy lifting crimes he committed? Shouldn't he be enlisting in active duty? This seriously pisses me off but it's not shocking anymore. Never show up on TV ever! Just enrages me to imagine how hard life must for those kids he bullied..
- [+401, -2] He should be going to prison, not the army!
- [+180, -3] I can feel him contemplating all his evil dirty crimes from his eyes alone..
- [+175, -2] How did someone like him raised at home become such a monster..???
- [+109, -2] Should he be going to prison??!
- [+38, -2] It's highly suspicious that someone like him with good physique and vigor enough to run around and abuse kids is not enlisting in active duty. We need to investigate corruption in the military.
- [+31, -2] There are so many rumors of him r*ping students...he needs to be investigated!