Mina's classmate alleges she was a school bully in the past

Article: "Was Kwon Mina really a bully?"

Source: Pann

I don't know if this has been posted on the Board or not but i just saw this on Twitter. The main topic was that Mina was a bully before dropping out of middle school. 

+) She's from the same middle school as Mina's school on her wiki profile. 

PS: I'm not an AOA or Jimin fan, I just think it's unfair as a fellow person and I hope she finds justice.

+) I edited the title because I didn't talk to victim directly but I'll find the informant and ask for details. 

  1. [+519, -176] Pretty Seolhyun-ah, find strength!
  2. [+481, -30] Hul ~ If this is true, Kwon Mina is a really scary person..
  3. [+361, -96] AOA members, cheer up...
  4. [+315, -17] So many strange people here ㅋㅋ. Wasn't Jimin buried too just because of Mina's words with zero evidence? People kept passing around photos of Jimin having a good time on Instagram as proof she bullied her and just like that Mina's words because factsㅋㅋ
  5. [+194, -16] But isn't this just insufficient evidence...
  6. [+193, -205] At this point, I feel sorry for Jimin too...
  7. [+106, -9] Honestly seeing her respond on her Insta that Jimin's words were a "novel" I lost all respect for her. 
  8. [+44, -1] This was Mina's schedule at time of her father's death. Even a regular office worker can't leave as much as she did. She kept saying Jimin held her back from grieving at his deathbed? Apparently the manager took her to hospital entrance but she refused to enter..


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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