Article: "Butter plagiarism controversy"
Source: Pann
This isn't sampling, it literally sounds exactly the same.
+ The agency hasn't released a statement yet so plagiarism isn't confirmed.
- [+488, -173] The intro is exactly the same..
- [+452, -230] It's not just intro but repeated sequences throughout? It's exactly the same.
- [+413, -121] I feel like the company is turning a blind eye to the accusations because they ripped it off. They'll need to answer if we publicize this. There's no reason to try to silence those that think its plagiarism just because it hasn't been confirmed yet..
- [+327, -60] They have been many plagiarism controversies in the past too but experts analyzed it and said that although it sounds similar to general public, there are many cases where the chords are much different. I listened to the video in the link and its similar enough that I think they need to clarify it. It's too soon for people to curse them. I just found out about BTS recently but there are a lot of people swearing at BTS in video comments. BTS is a group acknowledged by all of Korea so let's not write off their achievements because of one scandal..
- [+243, -28] I think its better to stay neutral and speak cautiously right now. Big Hit is an agency that's very sensitive to criticisms and complaints so they'll address this quickㅋㅋㅋㅋ. When it comes to issues over music, there are usually a lot of statements and rebuttals that escalate to the court being involved so I think it's better to wait for the official statement...
- [+201, -139] It was the same when Suga plagiarized Jim Jones and they claimed other people wrote it ㅠㅠ. Now a controversy broke out and they're saying they just put their names on itㅋ
- [+169, -19] A foreign composer wrote the song and melodies and gave it to them. RM added and took out a bit here and there and that was it. So why is BTS getting cursedㅋㅋㅋ
- [+133, -38] Eh? How is this plagiarism? It's similar in the beginning but different after that?
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