Has Jo Byung-gyu escaped from the yoke of his bullying scandal?

Article[Exclusive] Jo Byung-gyu escapes from yoke of his school violence controversy, "suspect gave another official apology, " Agency, "strong legal action"

Source: Newsen

Jo Byung-gyu's alleged victim has released another apology reversing claims of bullying.

On the 27th, a police official announced results from investigations into alleged assault and bullying by the actor and stated, "investigations into Jo Byung-gyu's case conducted for the second time since February has entered a new phase. The suspect has submitted another official apology stating that claims of bullying were false. I understand the apology was delivered to Jo Byung-gyu on the 26th."

The official further revealed, "Jo directly submitted a number of related materials to the police conducting the investigation that showed that claims of assault were completely different from the truth. Jo submitted his entire elementary and middle school records that differed from the suspect's detailed accounts of their homeroom teacher and classmates."

His agency HB Entertainment also released a statement and confirmed the report stating "Jo received suspect A's apology letter. He was able to submit his student records, statements and testimonies from teachers and many alumni who were close to him during his school days."

HB further revealed, "Suspect A was identified and confirmed to be an anonymous writer of foreign nationality. Legal action will proceed once the suspect enters Korea."

In the meantime, Jo consistently maintained his innocence after A posted in an online community claiming to have been harassed and bullied by the actor. But after the first and second apologies by A reversing claims, it appears that Jo has escaped from the yoke of his school violence controversy. 

  1. [+274, -9] I'm writing this because so many people leaving comments right now don't know what's going on. The revelations by the New Zealand exposer haven't been resolved yet. This is a different person that sent in the apology so don't misunderstand. Fans need to stay still and shut their mouths. Also, OP, if you're reading this, please edit your post. 
  2. [+193, -3] It's not the New Zealand classmate that apologized...
  3. [+118, -137] Just goes to show how easy it is to cancel someone. I don't think we should conclude that all victims that came forward with claims of bullying by celebrities are the same. Of course, there are cases that truly happened but there are also a lot of fake revelations being spread around too. 
  4. [+100, -82] But people never care about clarifications though..
  5. [+98, -0] This wasn't written by the New Zealand classmate? Guys, we need to stay neutral.
  6. [+42, -1] What theㅅㅂ, this is not the New Zealand exposer ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why is everyone writing like his bullying scandal is over 
  7. [+29, -5] There were a lot of exposers thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. This is just 1 person so he still can't be trusted ㅋㅋㅋ
  8. [+23, -3] It's annoying how his agency is trying to come out prematurely saying he never bullied. The victim risked life and death to come forward and they're trying to pacify fans with this carrot stick. If the victim sticks to their story then there are still doubts about this. From the point of view of the victim it must be hard to just sit and endure..
  9. [+16, -0] The person claiming to be the victim in New Zealand and the person who wrote this apology are not the same person. His Instagram revelation post that he wrote is still up. 
Additional source: Pann


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