[BREAKING] Mina unconscious after attempting suicide at home

Article: [Exclusive] Mina makes an extreme choice..."Excessive bleeding, surgery, still unconscious"

Source: Hankook Ilbo

Former AOA member Mina has been rushed to the hospital after attempting suicide.

According to an exclusive report by Hankook Ilbo on the 29th, Mina was found by an acquaintance after attempting suicide at her home early in the morning. 

An acquaintance got worried after not being able to reach her and rushed to her home. The acquaintance found her excessively bleeding, called 911 and she was rushed to the hospital. 

Mina has undergone emergency suture surgery and her injuries are not life-threatening. However, she has yet to regain consciousness. 

Meanwhile, Mina posted an apology letter earlier that day and apologized for returning to SNS.

  1. [+309, -15] She's just wallowing in self-pity. It no one else's fault but hers but we can't help but feel sorry for her. Her apology letter would've been easier to read if she hadn't written it like that. You would think she's a choding when it comes to writing out her words. 
  2. [+67, -0] This is the first time I'm tired of someone I'm not even acquainted with ㅋㅋ. I felt sorry for her at first but then got angry after realizing she's a psychopath. Now I'm just bored whenever I hear about her ㅋㅋㅋ. Even after this post, I could care less about it ㅠ
  3. [+65, -42] People that really want to commit suicide will do it without a word. Those that survive after every attempt never had intention to really kill themselves ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  4. [+56, -1] She couldn't take this and that so now its an extreme choice? I honestly have zero pity left for her now. Reporters should stop writing about her from now on. 
  5. [+52, -10] Shin Jimin, find strength!!
  6. [+50, -1] I feel sorry for the acquaintance for having to witness a scene of someone's suicide attempt with their own eyes. Are we sure Mina didn't contact her? If I was friends with someone like Mina I'd be stressed dealing with her antics and distance myself. 
  7. [+34, -0] Everyday is a suicide show with her after she killed off AOA
  8. [+22, -1] Now I hate to see anything about her 
  9. [+19, -0] It's because no one is on her side anymore. Everyone has turned their backs so she's trying to get attention again. Honestly, I don't feel any pity for her anymore. I mean again? Oh, another suicide attempt. Ok. She's just trying to gain some pity. 
Additional source: Pann


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