Leaked photos show Red Velvet Joy & Crush on "couple" date

Article: [Exclusive] "Couple item + sweet eye contact"... 'devotees' Red Velvet Joy♥Crush, dog walking date scene

Source: Sports Chosun

Red Velvet's Joy and Crush have been caught on a couple date.

According to an exclusive report by Sports Chosun, the two were spotted on a late night couple date walking Joy's dog Hae-nim and Crush's dog Soy milk. The two met with their dogs at an apartment complex in Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. 

They were spotted wearing comfortable matching outfits of over-fitted short-sleeved T-shirt with shorts, pants and slippers but showed excitement of a fresh couple with their couple hats. 

The two walked their dogs side by side and were seen chatting. Although they were wearing masks, they exchanged sweet eye contact as they walked down the street.

The two worked on together on May 20 last year as Joy featured on Crush's first single 'I wake up.' They became friends since then and developed good feelings and became lovers. 

Both SM Entertainment and P-Nation confirmed the dating rumors on the 23rd and stated, "The two recently developed good feelings and are in a relationship."

  1. [+741, -7] Honestly, every idol is a question mark right now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  2. [+610, -14] I'm in shock. I really thought she'd date an idol? 
  3. [+381, -40] You can barely see Joy's face in those photos. I'd rather she date with Yook Sung-jae than Crush..
  4. [+261, -15] I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't like this..? I used to like rapper's music in the past but they have very questionable morals. So to hear that my first and only favorite idol's first dating rumor is with a rapper...hul 
  5. [+240, -40] Joy-ah, you could've found a much better idol or actor to date..why? 
  6. [+182, -32] No...what' I'm more curious about is why Crush confirmed the dating rumors first? He knows Joy is currently promoting with Red Velvet so why reveal that she's dating? Fans are busy with the group's promotions so did he really think this was the time..?
  7. [+181, -1] Those photos were reported to media outlets by a citizen. I can barely recognize who's behind those masks so any passerby would've thought they were an ordinary coupleㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  8. [+175, -4] There doesn't seem to be much impact with her dating news because she's not that popular of an idol within her group anyway..

Additional source: Sports Chosun, Pann


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