Freesia reveals she bought "luxury fakes" because they were "pretty" + deletes all SNS and announces hiatus

Article: Song Ji-ah halts all activities "I feel pathetic about my past...please stop criticizing my family"

Source: Joongang Ilbo

Netflix 'Single's InfernoSong Ji-ah (Freesia) has announced suspension of activities. 

On the 25th, Freesia uploaded a video titled "This is Song Ji-ah" on her YouTube and stated, "First off, I'm really sorry for the delay in releasing an apology video. I'm really sorry for causing concern to a lot of people. I admit to the recent controversy over wearing fakes. It's all my fault. As a YouTuber, I should've been careful with my actions. Sorry for causing disappointment to many people who supported me by undermining the brand value of others. At first, I bought it because it was pretty. Then seeing a lot of people liked it, I fell in love with it more and more and couldn't come to my senses. I regret it now. I'm really regretting and reflecting," and bowed her head. 

She added, "After the recent controversy over fake products, I reflected on your advice and rebukes every day, realized my shortcomings and living with regret and reflection. Because of me, my loved ones and family have been hurt. I feel deep regret. It's all my fault, so please stop blaming my family. "

Lastly she stated, "I will be taking time off from all the channels I run to privately self-reflect and hold myself accountable for my mistakes until the end."

Meanwhile, Freesia had also previously posted a handwritten apology on her IG on the 17th admitting to the controversy over wearing fakes. 

She has since deleted all her posts on her IG and YouTube except for the apology video. 

  1. [+6,569, -156] Whether she wore fakes or authentic brands and cosplayed as a gold spoon or dirt spoon, no one really cared or wanted to know about it. But her pro-China acts are so disgusting. All actions come with responsibility but she doesn't seem to want to take accountability for her China comments. She deserves all the hate she's getting. 
  2. [+2,359, -31] I give her 6 months and she'll come crawling back.
  3. [+1,702, -22] Start by apologizing for calling Kimchi pao cai in your pro-China videos..
  4. [+1,698, -45] If she likes China so much she should go there and eat all their 'shinchi', sesame seeds and beans and take a nice long break. 
  5. [+1,080, -23] Looks like her friends threw her out..
  6. [+439, -13] I have a feeling she didn't do this all on her own...her two friends and CEO must've planned and done all the marketing. They're ugly trash for hiding in the back.
  7. [+304, -12] She's doing all this because Gaseyeon's Kim Yong-ho threatened to expose her...that's why she lowered her tail.
  8. [+156, -4] She crossed the line with the pro-China 'Pao Cai'..
  9. [+150, -3] She wore fakes because they were pretty? Is this a comedy. She's clearly using that as an act like she's dirt poor to gain pity. So shameless even in her apology video..
  10. [+127, -1] Kang Ye-won's ambitions were too greedy..
  11. [+84, -5] Trash women like her that call our kimchi, a Chinese food deserve to get kicked. Kick her out of the industry for good!!
  12. [+35, -2] Take your family with you to your favorite China and eat all the pao cai to your hearts content..


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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