'Gaseyeon' informant that raised suspicions about a Democratic presidential candidate found dead at a motel

Article: Informant that reported suspicions of Lee Jae-myung paying "attorney fees" found dead

Source: Chosun Ilbo

An informant that raised suspicions about a Democratic Party candidate has been found dead.

On the 11th, informant 'A' was found dead at a motel in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul around 8:40pm after his family reported him missing on the 8th. No suicide note was found and cause of death is "unknown." 

According to his family, there are no suspicions of a murder currently however they will be conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death. Police have also launched an investigation into his death.

Meanwhile, A raised suspicions that Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung gave bribes of 300 million won in cash and 2 billion won in S company stock that could be sold 3 years later, as "attorney fees" to Attorney Lee Tae-hyung, who served as his defense attorney when he was under trial for violating the Public Official Election Act as governor of Gyeonggi Province.

Lee Jae-myung has been a Democratic Party member for almost 20 years when informant Lee reported the suspicions to 'Gaseyeon.' On October 7, last year, Gaseyeon filed a complaint with the prosecution, claiming that Lee Jae-myung had falsely disclosed details of his attorney fee payments. 

The next day, Lee Jae-myung responded with a counter-accusation alleging defamation for spread of false information. The Democratic Party also submitted a petition to the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office asking to arrest informant A. The case is currently under investigation. 

  1. [+17,625, -65] He's killing them all...ah, scary
  2. [+10,886, -57] ?? This can't just be a mere coincidence...how much more are we going to be deceived until we come to our senses? Are we going to blame the prosecution again? Didn't prosecution say he died because he got scared over investigations? Are we just going to sit back and keep hoping for prosecution reform? Did he really commit suicide? Are we sure they didn't take advantage of his weakness to kill him or push him to commit suicide? He hasn't even gone through investigations yet but he got scared of coercive investigations? How long are we going to sit back and let this thug keep gaining support? 
  3. [+5,106, -29] Wow, really, I'm shaking...Daejang-dong is quite scary
  4. [+4,804, -22] Looks like he called up gangsters to kill him offㅜㅠ scary..
  5. [+3,045, -19] Hul ~ he killed him off???
  6. [+1,944, -4] He's not the type to just commit suicide. They're saying they couldn't contact him for a few days? Seriously how could a murderous party like this exist?
  7. [+1,323, -0] No...regardless of anything, he has 35% support..? Is he crazy? 
  8. [+1,020, -5] Wow...anyone exposing him is ending up dead. How could he murder him just for exposing his attorney fees? Daebak...imagine if he gets voted in...ㄷㄷㄷ let's hope that doesn't happen. 
  9. [+925, -5] He could've just locked him up in a mental hospital..
  10. [+847, -10] What's even crazier is the fact that Lee Jae-myung is ranking at the top right now. He's a Democratic Party member so you'd think he would have some morals in him but the public is getting deceived again..
  11. [+445, -2] Seriously, this is too scary. 3 people around him have died already...it's obvious what will happen if this guy gains power.
  12. [+205, -1] 3 people killed in 2 months...


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