Will Smith becomes the hottest topic at the Oscars

Article: Will Smith sweeps headlines at the Oscars...

Source: YTN

Hollywood actor Will Smith has swept the headlines at the Oscars. 

The 94th Academy Awards 'The Oscars' were held in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on the 27th and actor Will Smith won Best Actor for his movie 'King Richards.'

However, earlier that evening, Will Smith made headlines when he assaulted and swore at presenter Chris Rock, who joked about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith's shaved hair. 

Chris Rock joked, "Jada, I'm looking forward to the sequel of G.I Jane" referencing her shaved head. But the issue is Jada suffers from alopecia and had shaved her head for this reason.

Enraged, Will approached Chris Rock on stage and without hesitation, punched him in front of the crowd and returned back to his seat. He then angry retorted and hurled swear words at Chris Rock several times stating, "keep my wife's name out of your f*cking mouth!"

Meanwhile, "Will Smith" is currently the #1 trending topic on Twitter, followed by "Oscars" at #2, "Jada" at #3 and "G.I Jane" at #6. 

  1. [+1,157, -84] I'm glad he didn't kill him, it all depends on the delivery of the joke.
  2. [+875, -35] But why should he have to put up with his wife being ridiculed for an award? It was wrong of him to use violence but the Academy is problematic too.. why set up a person to get to that level by picking a presenter like that?
  3. [+534, -12] Violence isn't just physical, unpleasant jokes towards the listeners is also "violence."
  4. [+384, -55] It was great of him to defend her against his verbal violence... Will Smith fighting!
  5. [+150, -12] Wow, he's so cool. He deserved to get hit for such an unpleasant joke towards his wife, you could tell she felt humiliated.  
  6. [+77, -6] It's understandable that Koreans are only judging this and defending Will Smith's actions because of article translations but the atmosphere wasn't as bad as articles are making it out to be. At the time, when Will heard it, he took it as a joke and was laughing too but suddenly rushed to the stage and punched him and went back to his seat pretending to be cool, cursing at Chris. Will Smith is seriously a sociopath with anger management issues. This isn't just my opinion, Americans feel that way too. It was so ridiculous that I couldn't tell whether it was scripted or not. His wife's character is just like his. There should be zero justification for using violence, seriously make up your minds!
  7. [+46, -8] I'm more shocked at public opinion of Koreans justifying violence, when he could've just resolved this in private not in front of an audience? And for him to try to give such an eloquent speech afterwards when he received the award.. hul ~
  8. [+33, -3] If he was that offended by his words, he should've responded in kind with words? Why put up his fists in front of the whole world? Violence should never be justified under any circumstances!!
  9. [+21, -3] Damn cheap of him.. 
  10. [+10, -2] People like him never change! Who even uses such violence these days? It was an award ceremony where kids around the world were watching but he couldn't control his own emotions? He's a psychopath.
Additional source: Hankook Ilbo


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