Article: "Hyuna wearing under-boob"
Source: The Qoo
Personally, I don't like the under-boob trend, but Hyuna looks so perfect... she pulls this off well.
- Isn't that just a bikini?
- Eh, isn't this just a piece of cloth?
- What kind of outfit is that?
- Ugh.. please no
- I'm not claiming to know fashion and Hyuna is pretty... but is that clothing to walk the streets?
- What is this fashion aiming at exactly?
- How is this under-boob? This is "everywhere-boob" no?
- The type of exposure that's perfect for eye r*pe from men ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- This is disgusting f*ck
- Considering the effect it has on minors, I wish she wouldn't wear clothes like that.
- Please stick to CF photo shoots if wearing that.. can she even comfortably move her arms in that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't think these are clothes..
- This is so different from the type of "under-boob" I was imagining ㅜㅜ It's Hyuna and all but this doesn't suit her either, she'd look better in a bikini.
- This is quite ironic. What's even more disgusting is that this is the only type of body that would look pretty wearing "under-boob" fashion.. ugh
- She's not going to go outside wearing that, right?