Jang Wonyoung under controversy for her CF depictions "eating pizza"

Article: "Ah... Wonyoung-ah ㅠ Who eats pizza like this?"

Source: Pann

Of course she's pretty, but...

  1. [+481, -364] How is that pretty.. I'm yawning ㅜ
  2. [+464, -259] I get there's a hate trend on Jang Wonyoung right now but this is a bit...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  3. [+444, -67] Ladies and gents, here we go again ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she's literally posing while filming a CF... look up any pizza CF and all other models make faces and expressions like that too. Why is it only Jang Wonyoung that's getting hate over this? ㅈshe's only able to keep her looks for so long ㅠㅠ Will you antis die if you stop hating her for a second ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ? While you pann b*tches are bursting red at the seams in the corner with your hates, Jang Wonyoung is winning racking up more and more CFs and just added another one to her roster ~
  4. [+435, -222] Daebak.. just lost my appetite now. That was a CF??? Amazing.. 
  5. [+295, -48] Pann ny*ons back at it again ㅠㅠ Wonyoung just finished filming another CF. What exactly have you accomplished from the corner of your room ㅠ While you're eating snacks with your feet and scratching your stomachs, Jang Wonyoung who is much more junior than you is filming CFs and receiving daesangs, living a busy life ㅠㅠ
  6. [+56, -24] Whether she's filming a CF or not, it's a bit excessive.. ㅋㅋ
  7. [+49, -10] I feel nothing..
  8. [+53, -35] Ahn Yu-jin is the one that was asked to film the CF but Jang Won-young is the one showing off ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Look at her blurred in the back, it seems like only Ahn Yujin was wanted initially that's why she's front and center ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  9. [+44, -10] What a comedy ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋ just like her two-handed strawberry eating show, she seems to be quite the gag woman. 
  10. [+43, -9] She's only taking a small bite but put all the coquetry in the world into it ㅋㅋㅋ
  11. [+38, -5] Even the caption there seems to be saying "voyeur..." or are my eyes deceiving me? 
  12. [+37, -13] Wowㅂso pretty..... I'm bewitched
  13. [+36, -8] I'm a pizza fanatic but my appetite is completely gone now.
  14. [+31, -8] So f*cking strange.. imagine paying someone boatloads of money to film them eating and they eat like this ㅋㅋㅋ?
  15. [+29, -3] She needs to start with learning to manage her face to make natural expressions instead of rude poses like that... her agency is the issue. 


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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