Article: "EXO Chen please withdraw!"
Source: Pann
Since Chen, EXO has gotten ridiculed a lot (it was always bad at the beginning but it got worse after Chen). In particular, after Sehun got caught up in premarital pregnancy rumors, it just kept growing and growing and even articles got put out. It's still going on.
Please, I hope Chen leaves the group now, he's f*cking selfish + Chanyeol too.
- [+207, -1] Because of Chen and Chanyeol, bullying and mocking EXO has become a daily trend on the board. When the news came out he should've gotten kicked then and there. He's a decent singer so they could promote him solo..? I honestly thought he was going to leave on his own after his wife turned out pregnant the second time. He has so much to say in their contents that I can't bring myself to watch anything of theirs anymore. Kick him out!
- [+171, -4] Honestly, a whole idol doing premarital pregnancy..? I just, yeah, it would've been better if he took responsibility than to abort anyway. He could've also rationalized it that way tooㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. But then he got her pregnant again with the 2nd kid, this time while in the military.. yea there was no way you could shield him anymore, it's quite the f*ck you to fans. If he's going to just sit quietly in the corner during their concerts and fan meetings without saying anything, why even stay in the group? To be brazen and shameless to the members and fans to this level.. f*ck. What's the point of starting a fan fight like this?
- [+171, -1] I'm seriously f*cking annoyed with Chen. Did anyone tell him he can't be a singer?? What kind of idol is a daddy to 2 kids??! And to even come out at fan meetings.. I can just imagine the atmosphere there.
- [+128, -3] Those that don't know anything feel sorry for Chen because they think he's getting hate for choosing to get married. Fans are happy for him ~ it's frustrating yes, but no idol is going to stay single forever. Of course they're going to date and marry. That's not the point of our anger. It's not just one comment or two that I have seen saying, "If you're going to do premarital pregnancy and marriage then leave the group cleanly." Even if members oppose it, he should've been a gentleman about it and still left. But to be so shameless coming out to Kcons and fan meets as an idol daddy with 2 kids is just.. ㅋㅋ
- [+128, -2] Seriously, whether he wants to go solo and just keep releasing songs by himself, no one would care, I just want him to leave!
- [+72, -0] Chen is Chen too but Chanyeol.. he's f*cking disgusting! And to see members pressing likes on his IG.. he always leaves comments pretending to be close to them ㅋㅋ so disgusting!
- [+53, -0] I'm seriously curious why Chen isn't leaving the group. It's not like he's the most popular member or trend idol in the group. It's not impossible to replace his vocals either. He keeps getting mocked and ridiculed everywhere so he's not a help to EXO at all, so why is he still in the group? Wouldn't leaving the group be better for his family?
- [+50, -0] If I was him, I'd feel sorry standing next to the members ... ㅋㅋ
- [+48, -0] It's not like the vocal line would be empty without him, so why the hell...??!
- [+47, -0] Chen must have a stomach and mentals of steel! It's amazing he's still holding strong for this long ㅋㅋㅋ
- [+45, -3] Ah, just imagine if Baekhyun, Sehun, D.O, Kai, Xiumin and Suho put out an album, they'd seriously eat up the charts! Sehun's premarital pregnancy scandal seems to still be a hot topic though so I can see him going on hiatus and halting all activities like Sungmin.
- [+39, -0] Honestly, to see a top-tier idol group member doing premarital pregnancy is shocking! I didn't think much of it at the time since I'm not an EXO fan but just thinking if my favorite girl group idol had a member that got pregnant.. ah f*ck, I'd go crazy and lose my mentals. My hands would be shaking with anger imagining all that money, effort, and time spent on my faves being divided with a member like that .ㅋㅋㅋ
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