aespa Karina exposes "fights" among idol group members

Article: "Karina needs to think before speaking"

Source: Pann

Karina to Rolling Stone: "Even though all four of us have different personalities, I think we come together well. And we just get along well as people. And because we understand each other well even without saying anything, we also work together well. Honestly, if you look at other K-pop groups, people fight a lot and there are a lot of teams that don't work well together. But even from the beginning, we didn't have those issues. And if a conflict arises, we try to resolve it immediately."

I really don't understand why she's needlessly bashing other groups when you can just say, "We get along well.. it's like when she said she had a lot of free time?" It's like she's taking jabs at other idol groups.. I wish she'd really think first before speaking. 

  1. [+809, -348] I really have no idea what her issue is. Why did she feel the need to say there are a lot of groups that don't fit well.. did she need to share her criticisms??!!
  2. [+689, -128] This is why Pannye*ns are the issue. They should just say it was careless and end it but they're making things up adding more to it so here we are. All they have to do is say her comment was careless... nothing more.
  3. [+679, -161] It's true that it was careless but she didn't mention a particular idol group either so I don't think it's serious enough to cause a scandal.
  4. [+620, -105] Pannye*n-deul have been at it since morning..f*ck. They've always had an inferiority complex.. And what about your character? Why are you making personal attacks at her?? Take a look in the mirror you b*tch..ㅋㅋ before running to throw stones. 
  5. [+557, -45] The writer asking to think before you speak but idiots are in the comments lose their brains to this levelㄹㅇㅋㅋ
  6. [+463, -359] No one knows what can happen between a group of people.. they really could be fighting like that 
  7. [+354, -148] What group don't fit or get along?? She's talking like she knows everything..
  8. [+277,-90] That's a comment any idol group fan is going to get pissed if they hear it.. 
  9. [+239, -38] A huge overseas media outlet like that and that's what she says.. BTS fight each other too and make up right before the stage.. fighting or not getting along isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as they're not throwing fists... she's really taking jabs at other idols like this.. 
  10. [+229, -96] She's acting proud and a know-it-all
  11. [+169, -21] There's only 4 of you.. you'd think her group has such great chemi[stry]ㅋㅋㅋㅋ..
  12. [+153, -54] But aespa isn't a group with great chemi either ㅋㅋ


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