Source: The Qoo
- Oh...
- Omg..
- It's finally happening..
- This is it!!
- Finally f*ck
- Please tell me Ahyeon is there..
- So they'll actually debut in November of the solar calendar and not lunar calendar??
- Midnight... daebak
- Wow, there were rumors going around today that Baemon was scheduled for debut in 4th quarter of next year.. so that was bullsh**
- Oh.. they're finally going to debut..
- But midnight..?
- Why a midnight release?? Not 6pm but midnight?
- Honestly I didn't think they'd debut this year
- Are we sure it isn't the MV of their debut pre-release song that's coming out on November 27th with debut next year???!
- The teaser and logo are jjang!
- So it's true.. he really kept his promise..
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