Article: [Comprehensive] Amy, "I want to apologize", Wheesung reveals call with Amy + heartfelt confession
Source: Sports Chosun
Wheesung has shared an audio file to clear up allegations by TV Actress Amy.
On the afternoon of the 19th, the singer shared a long message on Instagram along with a transcript of a conversation with Amy on his Instagram.
He also shared a link to an audio file on his label's RealSlow Youtube Channel that contains a recording of the phone call with Amy.
Below is his translated Instagram post:
"This is Wheesung.Below is the translated transcript of the recording:
I received a phone call from Amy on the night of April 17, and the following recording was made with Amy’s permission.
Nonetheless, I thought a lot about whether I should release it. From the very beginning, and even now, I believe that it is possible that Amy was also a victim in this case. I hesitated for a long time as to whether I should release this recording. However, I judged that it was better to release it so that the fans can learn the truth behind all the suspicions that have been cast over my name.
Amy has clearly stated to me her intention to make an official apology. However, I was uneasy that without any evidence of checking for the truth, an apology made out of emotion would only further the controversy. That is why I asked Amy to first remove the post on Instagram and to tell the truth to the reporters who interviewed her.
Amy has accepted these requests and in addition, I asked her not to take any more rash actions from now on.
Out of necessity, the recording has been edited to remove parts that have nothing to do with the case.
I feel like I’ve already lost everything. Nonetheless, Amy’s apology should be considered as an action of her free will. If she does apologize, I only hope that it is sincere.
1. The reason for my late response
Amy did not use any specific names, and it was not possible for me to intervene in a situation where there was no strong sense of identification. But our statement about the facts and the proof behind our denial had already been prepared by the time the situation had broken out.
2. Legal statement
As a small business that depends solely on the business of the singer Wheesung, it’s obvious that we would make a tempting target. We are preparing lawsuits against malicious commenters who have initiated personal attacks and spread false information to the point of requiring legal force. We intend to pursue strong punishments in this matter.
3. Cancellation of joint concert
It was not I who chose to bring up this incident again after everything had been settled [six years ago], but I recognized that it would be difficult to hold a concert in this situation and agreed to cancel the joint concert between me and K.Will. I am very regretful about this. After everything has been settled, we plan to consult with the concert agency in order to put on an even better concert.
In any case, I’m deeply sorry to my friend K.Will, Spring Entertainment, and Starship Entertainment for having to get involved in this case.
4. What's most important
It is possible for all of the major players in this case to have been victims. When this case was picked up by the media and spread like wildfire, it became possible for anyone to have been victimized. Rather than understand the situation, I ask that we not get carried away by the influence of our emotions but stand neutral in order to seek out the whole truth.
I'm sorry to all the people that supported me that I've upset with this whole situation. I hope we can resolve this matter as soon as possible."
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Transcript of Wheesung's conversation with Amy shared on his Instagram |
[Audio in the next part of the conversation is removed]
[Agency Text Message in the video - "We're discussing who of their acquaintances told Amy that Wheesung is the one that suggested blackmail using the sexual photos. Wheesung already knew the identity of acquaintance 'X' that told Amy about the blackmail because of the allegations Amy had made in 2013 because it was 'X' that was concerned about it at the time].[Wheesung calls 'X' whose voice is distorted to hide his identity]
Wheesung: "I had no reason to say those things to her [Amy], no reason to even want to do it. First it was death threats, then sexual just keeps changing. Anyways, is it Amy that is saying this or did you tell her that, because she's saying its you."
X: "Why would I tell her something like that?"
Wheesung: "Did I say those things? Did I really ever say those things about her??"
X: "There's no way you would've said that stuff. You were really close to Amy. When I said bad stuff about her you got mad and we fought over it."
[Recording returns to conversation between Amy and Wheesung]
Wheesung: [tells Amy what X said to him in the call. Amy doesn't respond verbally but you can hear her sigh] "I recorded the conversation with him. What am I supposed to do. How am I going to live now?
[Agency Text Message in the video - "Wheesung has been put under suspicion because of the misunderstanding between Amy and X. If anyone has any recordings about the situation please release it to the public."]Wheesung: [Gets emotional] "What am I going to do??"
Amy: "I feel like trash. After listening to you today I realize I was wrong" [starts crying]
Wheesung: "Even if you say sorry right now, I won't believe you anymore. They cancelled my concert and terminated all my contracts. How am I going to live? Do you think I can sing now??
Amy: "Forgive me. Even if people swear at me I promise I'll take it all back."
Wheesung: "Why do you only think about yourself? What about me?"
Amy: "I've always felt like I'm inferior to you."
Wheesung: "But why do I have to pay for that with my life. MY livelihood."
[Then audio fades out and the recording ends there. Another agency statement follows]
[Agency Text Message in the Video - "After the call, Amy removed the post she wrote on Instagram. We made this recording with permission from all parties. It wasn't pre-arranged or anything and Amy was the first one to call Wheesung on April 17th at 10:00pm KST.
We want to reiterate that it's not true at all that Wheesung ever threatened anyone with sexual assault. This whole thing happened because Amy heard something from a third party and thought Wheesung actually said it. In the phone call Wheesung told her about the misunderstanding. We plan to take strong legal action to prevent any of these rumors from spreading. Also, Amy is claiming that she has a recording so we urge her to make it public. We know that Amy is feeling confused about this situation but we can no longer sit back and let these false rumors spread. We ask her to clear up all the allegations.
Again, 6 years ago Wheesung was cleared of propofol use after a detailed investigation. All the allegations of blackmail and sexual assault are all false. We reiterate again that we made this recording after Amy called Wheesung first.
Wheesung is in shock because of these false allegations and is being sued for breach of contract. His livelihood is now in question because of someone's unconfirmed SNS post. Who's going to take responsibility for all the damage that has been caused?? We hope in the future that people refrain from witch hunts based on groundless rumors so that no one else is hurt."