Netizens speculate how the Burning Sun case will end

Article: [Issue IS] Seungri, first acknowledgement of prostitution...How will Burning Sun Gate end?

Source: JTBC

Netizens are speculating how Burning Sun Gate will be finalized.

After 4 months of controversy and investigation over Seungri and his club Burning Sun, Seungri has only admitted to soliciting prostitution and nothing else even though he's been under suspicion of prostitution, embezzlement, drugs, sexual assault and more.

Netizens are paying attention how this case will be finalized especially now when many women have taken to the streets in front of the Blue House to protest the injustices and corruption that runs rampant within the South Korea police and court system.

  1. [+547, 11] I really don't like this country. I think we're going to end up seeing him walk around freely without paying a price for his crimes..
  2. [+238, -11] The funny thing is the Burning Sun case wasn't even about Seungri and his prostitution, but police collusion, drugs, and sexual assault~~
  3. [+193, -2] And you'll only admit to a crime that you know won't get you arrested..
  4. [+155, -3] But this is a rejection...the republic of Korea is a truly uncivilized country ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  5. [+116, -3] Seungri gate was never about prostitution...don't get it mixed up!!
  6. [+15, -0] Was our country always this corrupt and rotten?? What the hell happened!
  7. [+13, -0] Burning Sun began with Seungri but was covered up with Jung Joon Young
  8. [+10, 0] I'm looking forward to the next presidential and general elections...I really thought this administration was going to solve the Burning Sun case but I guess not...
  9. [+8, -0] Don't go hiding in the army!!! Don't pay a fine!! go to jail!
  10. [+5, -0] I hate Korea..
  11. [+4, -0] We need an independent counsel...we need to file a petition
  12. [+4, -1] Who's behind him that he's blatantly ignoring the law like this!!!??
  13. [+3, -0] Can we please not see Seungri now?
  14. [+2, -0] I don't even think you'll be able to prosecute him for the prostitution~~ㅠ

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