Fans turn their backs on Kang Ta after cheating scandal apology + cancels comeback

Article: Kang Ta, first apology after days of silence..."I have no excuse, I'm sorry"

Source: MBN

Kang Ta has finally apologized for his cheating scandal after days of silence.

The H.O.T singer posted an apology on his Instagram on the 4th and said, "Hello. This is Kang Ta. I want to bow my head and apologize for the disappointment and hurt feelings to the fans who have cheered and loved me for a long time. I'm sorry to all the fans and all those around me who were unintentionally mentioned and hurt. I'm sorry for disappointing those that have loved me for a long time. There is no excuse. This is all due to my shortcomings and inadequacy. I will live in reflection and strive to be a mature person."

He continued, "The release of my new song that was scheduled today will be canceled. Since I can't make the decision about the scheduled musicals and concerts I will do my best to minimize the damage of everyone involved. I want to deeply apologize and thank all the fans who encouraged me. I'm really sorry."

But netizens and fans alike have turned their backs on the singer after days of silence. Many left negative comments on his Instagram and online communities saying,

ㅋㅋㅋ Will an apology fix the sh*t you shat? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's hilarious

Trash ba$tard ㅋㅋㅋㅋ just screw off you imbecile..

Farewell you cheater~

You're already 40, what's left to mature ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Karma is real!  You'll get what's coming for you. Just retire and live a quiet life of reflection!!

Why does his apology feel like he's apologizing on behalf of someone??

You need to resign from your SM director position!! 

I've never seen a dating scandal with three people on the same day in my whole existence...

Why are you apologizing to us?? You should be apologizing to Jung Yeon who caught you in bed with another woman. Chil hyun-ah, i hope you realize that the roots of your trash character will come back to choke you~

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