Sexy photos of Hyuna from Water Bomb cause a splash once again

Knight imagesKnight imagesKnight images

  1. [+1,067, -65] This is not sexy at cringe..ㅋㅋ.Did she think just taking it all off will make it sexy? ㅠㅠ
  2. [+1,030, -64] Her back dancers are dressed better than her..
  3. [+962, -70] There's a difference between sexy and vulgar..
  4. [+54, -5] She thinks she looks sexy but she just looks cheap~
  5. [+50, -3] She could've worn blue jeans with a white top and looked sexy when soaked...or even just a mini dress...why did she wear that kind of outfit??
  6. [+47, -2] She has a lot of cellulite..
  7. [+37, -3] She looks like on those night club dancers [stripper]..
  8. [+36, -2] She's looking more and more cheap~
  9. [+22, -1] She looks dirty~
  10. [+18, -1] Aigoo..this is so embarrassing I can't even lookㅋㅋㅋㅋ's not sexy at all..Hyuna-ah...please stop dressing so cheap like this.


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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