Netizens turn their backs on Goo Hye Sun as she continually states she has no plans to divorce

Article: Goo Hye Sun..."I don't want a divorce"

Source: Herald Pop

Despite public opinion, Goo Hye Sun is still stating she doesn't want a divorce.

On the 4th, Dispatch revealed text messages between Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun and revealed what led to the destruction of their marriage. Rumors of a divorce between the couple first began after Goo Hye Sun revealed on SNS that Ahn Jae Hyun had requested a divorce and has since then stated that "Ahn Jae Hyun drank and cheated with women" even stating "that he was involved with a certain "actress."

The actress in question Oh Yeon Seo has since then released a statement through her agency stating that the "rumors are false" and that "she'll be taking strong legal action against the malicious rumors."

Goo Hye Sun shook up her SNS on the 3rd when she stated, "Be a human" along with photos of notes showing a list of house rules between her and Ahn Jae Hyun. Afterwards she stated, "What I really want is for him to acknowledge his mistakes and apologize. I don't want to break my family of 3 years." She has since then deleted the post.

"Things Ahn Jae Hyun should be mindful of"
- When out drinking, drink only until 10 pm
- Don't black out (control yourself)
- Don't be stubborn
- Don't affect others in a negative way
- Return clothes where they belong
- Clean up after you eat (and don't leave it piled in the sink)
- Leave laundry in the laundry room
- When drunk and in a bad mood, do not shout or hit or use violence
- Be home by 12 (unless filming)
- Clean the cat litter every 7 days
- Be mindful of how you speak (especially about others)
- Keep your shoes organized

"Things Goo Hye Sun should be mindful of"
- None
Regardless of the growing controversy, Goo Hye Sun had not stopped with her disclosure campaign on SNS. Since the release of the text messages between the couple it appears that netizens are slowly turning their backs on Goo Hye Sun and are questioning her statements and actions especially her claims that "she doesn't want a divorce."

  1. [+10,028, -1,304] She needs to get checked into a mental hospital...
  2. [+7,196, -646] Even patients with a hearing problem will never be able to understand this situation. She's nuts!
  3. [+6,367, -497] That's why from the beginning people shouldn't have blindly believed her one-sided statements. She keeps posting and deleting stuff on's disturbing. She needs psychotherapy urgently!
  4. [+4,782, -620] Honestly the feminazi that shielded her are the problem. They believed her without any evidence and even though Ahn Jae Hyun is stating he has evidence they don't care. Without evidence she has now accused a well-known actress of destroying a marriage. I'm not defending Ahn Jae Hyun either but she's crazy. 
  5. [+3,993, -355] Looking at this article I can tell it'll be hard to divorce her..
  6. [+1,393, -120] She has no rules for herself...I'm speechless...this makes me realize how hard Ahn Jae Hyun must've had it...
  7. [+1,064, -95] Goo Hye Sun is sick... she needs counseling. This isn't normal. 
  8. [+963, -118] I knew she was a nutcase when she revealed her celebrity husband said her n*pples weren't sexy..she knows he's an actor who's dependent on his reputation but she ruined him anyway...she has a mindset of a 5yr old. 
  9. [+806, -100] I hope Ahn Jae Hyun is able to escape from Hye-sun hell~
  10. [+582, -44] Eh~why is she trying to hold onto her husband like he's a puppy???

Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes.

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