Noel states he'll diligently submit to investigations + halts all activities for deep reflection

Article: [Comprehensive] Noel DUI incident → halts all activities →"lifetime guilt and reflection" 

Source: Sports Seoul

Noel (Jang Yong Joon) (19) has announced his intent to halt all activities.

The rapper posted an apology on his agency's official Instagram account on the 7th and stated,

"I'm writing to apology for my unsavory drunk driving incident. I'm so sorry. I have no excuse. I'm sorry to all the people I have hurt. I apologize with my head down. I will sincerely take part in the police investigation process and will be punished accordingly. I'm so sorry. I don't have anything to say. I will deeply reflect on myself for the rest of my life to prevent this from happening again. As a member of Indigo Music, I apologize once again to all the artists and management and will halt all future activities. Once again, I sincerely apologize. And for those that have always trusted me and loved me, I feel really embarrassed and sorry."

Noel is the son of Representative Jang Je-won of the Liberty Korea Party who has also apologized for his son's drunk driving incident via a post on his Facebook account on the 7th. Jang Je-won stated that "as an adult, Yong Joon will take full legal responsibility for his wrongdoing."

노엘(장용준)입니다. 저의 불미스러운 음주운전 사고에 관하여 사과의 말씀을 올리고자 이 글을 씁니다. 정말 죄송하고 변명의 여지가 없습니다. 피해를 입은 분께도 너무 죄송한 마음입니다. 고개 숙여 사죄드립니다. 경찰의 수사 과정에 성실히 임하고 그에 따른 처벌을 달게 받겠습니다. 정말 죄송합니다. 입이 열 개라도 할 말이 없습니다. 앞으로 다시는 이런 일이 발생하지 않도록 평생 가슴에 죄책감을 가지고 반성하며 살겠습니다. 현재 인디고뮤직의 소속 아티스트로서 아티스트 분들과 매니지먼트 분들에게도 다시 한번 사과드리고, 향후 모든 활동을 중단하겠습니다. 다시 한번 진심으로 사죄드립니다. 그리고 부족한 저를 항상 믿어주시고 사랑해주시던 여러분들에게 정말 면목없고 죄송한 마음입니다. 장용준 (노엘) 올림
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  1. [+8,986, -96] It's only been a few months since he turned 20 but he's already been accused of drunk driving and trying to offer a bribe. He needs to be fully investigated. His father doesn't deserve to be a lawmaker. 
  2. [+4,965, -33] If my son did this I'd beat him and teach him that life isn't so easyㅋㅋㅋ This is your responsibility as a father Je-won. 
  3. [+2,105, -16] What a load of bulls***
  4. [+1,622, -36] I bet he'll be back doing hip hop within the month~
  5. [+1,056, -6] Noel Jang Yong Joon...a full grown adult man in a 300 million Mercedes gets into a drunk driving accident and gave 10 million won bribe...that's attempted murder. He needs to be arrested now and Jang Je-won needs to resign!!
  6. [+965, -37] Do you remember how your dad humiliated that woman in her 20s from the countryside without an English education? I wonder how your father, Jang Je-won of the Liberty Korea Party will judge his own son for attempting to buy sex as a minor and driving under the influence who offered a bribe...don't do politics if you can't control your own you're sure to resign right?
  7. [+650, -12] Where the prosecution should search: Benz Korea branch (to check if he's a drunk), that bar place (to check whether he paid for alcohol or drugs or if prostitution took place and Jang Je-won's cell (to verify whether he contacted any police officials or media). 

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