Article: [Comprehensive] Sung Hyun-Ah Scandal → heartfelt life confession → cold reaction by the public
Source: Sports DongA
Netizens are reacting coldly to Sung Hyun-Ah's heartfelt confessions regarding her difficult life.
The actress made an appearance on SBS 'Did You Eat' on the 21st and recalled the difficult moments she underwent after her prostitution scandal. She revealed that she had to work as a part-timer at a bakery and could barely pay the rent because all she had left to her name was her 7 million won deposit. She stated that she worked hard for an appeal for the sake of her young son hoping the public would believe her but despite being declared innocent by the Supreme Court, the public still condemned her for the controversy.
After the broadcast aired Monday, her name began trending in the search term rankings on Naver and netizens left negative comments online and said,
"Is this a drama?"
"Look at that victim cosplay...just because she worked as a part-timer and couldn't pay her rent, does she think we'll fall for it if she cries tears on broadcast?"
"The only reason she was caught up in a scandal like that was because of her actions"
"Didn't she do drugs before prostitution too?"
"Please get rid of this show. Why do we have to watch a broadcast with a bunch of criminals trying to clean up their image?"

- [+1,096, -31] If the purpose of the show is to comfort those who are really hurt and not druggies then aren't they better off inviting someone like Park Hae-mi?
- [+835, -14] Before Sung Hyun-ah's appearance yesterday, they show had featured a father who had to take care of his wife with cancer and raise his 3 sons alone. I think it'll be better if they focused on stories from ordinary people rather than these problematic celebrities.
- [+451, -28] So should we pretend the broadcast is entertaining if we didn't like it?
- [+417, -26] But she had enough money to do plastic surgery...
- [+238, -15] That's why you have to keep some savings instead of spending it like water any chance you get~
- [+123, -3] So she met up with one businessman and did drugs, broke up with him and had sex with another man separated from his wife and got some money out of it but it wasn't prostitution...
- [+87, 1] I really hate this show now...I feel like I'm watching 'Healing Camp' [sigh]
- [+69, -3] Don't do drugs and prostitution and think you can just show up on TV~
- [+52, -2] Her lips look it just me?
- [+26, -1] How much does it cost to dye or perm your hair at a hair salon though? Instead of spending money to beautify yourself you should've spent it on a fan for your son instead...
- [+14, -1] So how did she get money to do drugs? Why didn't she just do a couple more prostitution transactions then and make enough money~
- [+13, -0] It seems like this show was created to help problematic celebrities clean up their image...please don't come out anymore.