Article: [Comprehensive] Kim Gun Mo refutes allegations of sexual assault → continues broadcast on 'Ugly Duckling → Proposal 'Tear'
Source: News1
SBS 'Ugly Duckling' has aired Kim Gun Mo's sweet proposal to his bride Jang Ji Yeon.
The broadcast showed Kim Gun Mo's mother gushing about her soon to be daughter-in-law saying, "How could I sit still and not talk about his upcoming marriage. From the first time I saw her, I could find nothing to place blame. I liked her from the first meeting."
The program also aired footage of Kim Gun Mo proposing to Jang Ji Yeon. Kim Gun Mo wrote the words he wanted to convey on a styrofoam board decorated with soju lids and roses and played a sweet song on a piano. While singing, Kim Gun Mo eventually shed tears and Jang Ji Yeon who saw it also blocked her mouth showing tears of emotion. Seo Jang Hoon who was in the studio also shed tears while watching Kim Gun Mo's video.
"I decided to get married because she kept pushing it and pushing it," Kim said. "But then after a lot of thought I made the decision right away," he said. To which his mother and Jang Ji-yeon laughed brightly. "It's not much of a story but I felt really happy and I thought I should get married right away. "
Kim Gun Mo is currently under fire for allegations of sexual assault brought forward by lawyers Kang Yong Seok and Kim Se Ui on their Garo Sero Research Institute YouTube channel on the 6th. Kang Yong Seok stated "that he met with a woman twice that alleged that Kim Gun Mo sexually assaulted her at his host bar in Gangnam and they plan to file an official complaint with the Court on the 9th."
Immediately after reports, Kim Gun Mo denied the allegations and pushed forward with his concert. SBS 'Ugly Duckling' also made the decision to air his broadcast on the 8th at 9:50pm where Kang Daniel also made a guest appearance.
Kim Gun Mo completed his marriage registration with his pianist and songwriter bride-to-be Jang Ji Yeon in late october and the two are set to get married in May next year.

- [+5,850, -273] Are they crazy? For them to release this means all they care about is ratings. He's being accused of sexual assault and prostitution right now. Isn't Kim Gun Mo supposed to be showing remorse? This isn't it..
- [+4,228 -118] 'Ugly Duckling' chose ratings over the suspicions...terminating the program is the only answer.
- [+3,202, -360] Disgusting old prostitute~
- [+2,084, -76] Broadcast companies are basically helping these criminal celebrities clean up their image on broadcast
- [+1,941, -67] Let's take this opportunity to disband this program this time! I will not be watching anymore..
- [+829, -12] He doesn't have much to say because he lost his freedom..
- [+733, -24] Everyone including his mother, the bride-to-be's parents and Kim Gun Mo don't seem normal.
- [+621, -7] He probably wants to get married now because he's tired of prostituting in bathrooms and second houses...
- [+600, -12] She's not normal...isn't a woman usually the naive one? I can see her eyes swinging like a pendulum ㅋㅋ
- [+565, -36] Ah...all those wasted roses...I feel pity they were wasted at his one-off crap proposal
- [+297, -4] Are they really laughing? Do they seriously want this decrepit old man accused of prostitution and raping women marrying their sweet innocent daughter? ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
- [+239, -8] Are these broadcasting agencies human? They're worms that basically sold their souls for ratings.
- [+169, -5] I don't envy her proposal at all ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ