Sulli's brother reveals their dad is after Sulli's estate

Article: Sulli's older brother exposes conflicts with estranged father regarding her estate

Source: Xports News

Sulli's brother is drawing attention online after a controversial message shared on his SNS.

Sulli's brother shared a screenshot of a message his father apparently sent to an acquaintance on his SNS that says, "There is a legacy of my daughter who went to heaven first. Yesterday there was a dispute with her her mother regarding her estate. We are praying for the legacy our precious daughter left behind be given back to society in support of our daughter who's happy in heaven."

Sulli's brother expressed his anger stating, "I want to carry the grief of my dongsaeng's death on my own but how can a father share with his acquaintances problems related to her money when he hasn't even visited her grave? If we're strangers, let's just live like strangers."

The message spread in online communities raising questions about whether the family has been at odds regarding her estate since Sulli's death.

Sulli passed away in October last year.

  1. [+1,600, -12] I hope someone like that never gets anything from her estate if he lived like a stranger to her. I hope the brother is able to handle this well. 
  2. [+1,242, -25] Honestly, many of the causes of suicide are fathers. Many celebrities who have committed suicide are not attached to their childhood relationships. If parents fail to raise their children with love, the kids grow up emotionally weak. They might physically be adults but their emotions are not firmly rooted and can easily be shaken by difficult events. Most people that commit suicide have parents that never fulfilled their duties. Just because you give birth to someone doesn't mean you're a parent.
  3. [+889, -9] Now that she's dead he's squeezing out tears and suddenly thinking of her because he's after her estate..
  4. [+755, -12] Trash is trash. Just because you gave birth to her doesn't mean you're a parent.
  5. [+281, -7. This is too much for someone that's supposed to be her father.
  6. [+198, -0] Was he paying child support? Please make a law that if you don't meet up with your kids for more than a year and don't pay child support or fulfill your obligations as a parent then you shouldn't have rights to her estate. 
  7. [+197, -3] Your daughter is can you assume she's happy in heaven? Is he really human?
  8. [+175, -4] It's obvious he's not going to use it to give back to society. I think it's for his church. The church pastor must've enticed him..
  9. [+118, -1] Reminds me of this mother of a Cheonan soldier. His mom abandoned him when he was young but when he died she asked for her share of compensation.
  10. [+57, -2] Most celebrity parents are trash~


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