Article: Seungri who escaped jail to enlist in the military...acquaintances share photo of his military salute
Source: SBS Fun E
An official has confirmed that Seungri held a farewell party with his "Burning Sun" friends.
With former Big Bang member Seungri set to enlist in the army in March, his acquaintances reportedly openly cheered for him as he prepared for his enlistment, drawing attention.
A source from Seungri's side stated, "Seungri recently had a farewell party with acquaintances ahead of his military enlistment." According to reports, many figures related to Club Burning Sun ran by Seungri until February last year were reportedly in attendance.
An acquaintance from his farewell party shared a photo of Seungri showing off his military salute.

- [+4,381, -48] Seungri revealed that the laws in our country are s***. We didn't need the President or the Prime minister to know thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- [+3,620, -33] Wasn't he out doing prostitution with Park Han-byul's husband too? Such thick skin. Doesn't he have any shame?
- [+3,540, -34] Even high profile prosecutors are beneath himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- [+128, -1] Seungri is the most powerful out of all the members. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt must've been hard for him to kiss up to GD for so long.
- [+98, -2] So what happened with punishing the corrupt Burning Sun police and prosecutors he colluded with? Was your intention to just distract the public pretending to punish the bottom level while the top line cut the tail?
- [+95, -0] How powerful are the people behind him that he's being sent to the army without any punishment.
- [+86, -1] I bet he'll be real comfortable in the military.
- [+75, -6] ㅋㅋㅋI feel sorry for Jung Joon Young
- [+68, -0] Because of this trash I quit all of Big Bang ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. I can't stand listening to any more songs from those troublemakers.
- [+68, -0] We couldn't even catch Seungri. I doubt we'll be able to catch Lee Man-hee.