Seungri enlists into army service

Source: Ilgan Sports

Seungri (Lee Seunghyun, 30) has pushed through and enlisted into army service.

At 1:34pm on the 9th, the former Big Bang member arrived at the photo line at the 6th Division of the Army Corps of Cheolwon, Gangwon-do and made a 90 degree bow to the cameras.

When asked "why he decided to enlist" and "if he accepted the charges?" he pushed through to the entrance with a grim expression and his mouth firmly shut.

그룹 빅뱅 전 멤버 승리가 9일 오후 강원도 철원군 육군 6사단 신병교육대로 입소하고 있다.병무청은 지난달 4일 해외 원정도박과 성매매 알선 등 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 승리에게 입영을 통지했다. 승리에 대한 재판은 관련법에 따라 군사법원으로 이관돼 진행된다.철원(강원도)=박세완 기자 / 2020.03.09/그룹 빅뱅 전 멤버 승리가 9일 오후 강원도 철원군 육군 6사단 신병교육대로 입소하고 있다.병무청은 지난달 4일 해외 원정도박과 성매매 알선 등 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 승리에게 입영을 통지했다. 승리에 대한 재판은 관련법에 따라 군사법원으로 이관돼 진행된다.철원(강원도)=박세완 기자 / 2020.03.09/그룹 빅뱅 전 멤버 승리가 9일 오후 강원도 철원군 육군 6사단 신병교육대로 입소하고 있다.병무청은 지난달 4일 해외 원정도박과 성매매 알선 등 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 승리에게 입영을 통지했다. 승리에 대한 재판은 관련법에 따라 군사법원으로 이관돼 진행된다.철원(강원도)=박세완 기자 / 2020.03.09/

Netizens shared angry reactions to his enlistment writing,

[+3,632, -23] I have a feeling he was smiling behind that mask..f***ㅆㅂreminds me of a senior hyung during my army service...he would've knocked all his teeth out ㅠ

[+3,061, -22] Just look at those eyes ㅋㅋ I think he's hiding a smile behind that mask ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+116, -0] I think he'll get along well during service...probably talk about all his girl group storiesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+95, -1] Sigh..what an easy world for criminals

[+87, -2] Look at this ba$tard grinning behind his mask...does he think he escaped? I hope it's a slaughterhouse for him there. You're a demon. You'll regret avoiding punishment all your life. Wherever you go you'll get cursed at and will forever be tagged as a s*x offender, an ugly ba$tard who pushed his karma to his children.. 

[+85, -4] ㅋLook at how fat his hands are nowㅋ

[+76, -1] Please someone have a gun accident or give him a defective hand grenade..

[+52, -1] Trash...the worst thug ba$tard in Korean celebrity industry

[+42, -0] Is he smiling?

[+30, -4] You can live well in our country if you have money.. 


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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