Shincheon-ji member under surveillance for Corona falls to her death from 11th floor apartment


A Shincheon-ji member under active surveillance by police due to possible Corona infection fell to her death from his 11th floor apartment.

An official from the North Jeolla Jeongeup Police Station confirmed the news on the 10th stating, "a 41 yr old female fell from the 11th floor of her apartment at 10:36pm on March 9th."

The resident who witnessed the incident called police after seeing someone fall from the 11th floor.

The official stated, "the list of Shincheon-ji members included a person under suspicion of having a Coronavirus so we conducted a test and it came out negative. She was scheduled to be under active monitoring until the 13th."

Police are currently investigating the exact circumstances of her death and will conduct an autopsy.

[+3,484, -73] It's a pity that she died like that...being a cult member is scary.

[+2,078, -93] All because of Lee Man-hee...crazy old man. He's brainwashed all of them.

[+1,684, -60] She probably got overwhelmed and depressed seeing as police had her under surveillance..we seriously need to dismantle these Shincheon-ji thugs. 

[+413, -58] could've just repented but you wasted your life for that thug ba$tard Lee Man right in your next life.

[+332, 10] No matter how much freedom we have in our country we need to control cults in society because of how much damage they cause to families.

[+181, -18] Your hell is beginning now..

[+115, -9] I don't understand how they can believe in the cult this much but don't like being identified as Shincheon-ji

[+79, -5] I had a friend in high school who was in the Shincheon-ji cult. He was always sad and would leave early to do church work. I heard that he committed suicide two months after high school.


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