A case similar to Goo Hara's birth mother discovered in Jeonju

Source: Joongang

A case similar to Goo Hara's estranged birth mother has been discovered in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province.

A woman that divorced her firefighter husband when the daughter was 2 yrs old has appeared after 32 years after her daughter's death and claimed to be the "legal heir." She stated she returned for her "beloved daughter" and was able to inherit her 100 million KRW (~$97,000) estate. 

In response, her ex-husband (63) A has filed a lawsuit seeking 190 million won (~$160,000) in child support. The couple married in January 1983 and divorced in March 1988 when their two daughters were five and two years old. The two daughters were raised by a street vendor A who sold cabbage and watermelon. 

The ex-husband stated, "a person that didn't even come to her daughter's funeral is shamelessly trying to profit from her estate."

In response, the estranged birth mother B refuted the claim in a written reply to the court stating, "I' was a full-time housewife, I've never abandoned my two daughters. My ex-husband kicked me out of the house and prevented me from seeing them. When the kids were looking for their mother, my ex-husband beat them and asked them "why they were looking for me." More than anyone, I wanted to take care of my children but I never dreamed of meeting such a jealous person. I feared that if I tried to get close to them he would harm them. That's why I asked my mother to live next to their elementary school and look after their safety. Even as time went by, my affection for my daughters never changed. My eldest daughter's hostility towards me is due to her wrong perception of me planted by my ex-husband." 

B then submitted a copy of her account showing monthly payments of 10,000 won per month paid after the divorce for their two daughters. She also submitted a petition signed by a neighbor for her good deeds in the neighborhood as a pastor. 
지난해 1월 순직한 소방관 딸을 둔 A씨가 딸의 유족급여 등 1억원가량을 타기 위해 32년 만에 나타난 전 부인을 상대로 양육비 청구 소송을 제기했다. 자료는 A씨 큰딸이
In response, the eldest daughter C (37) stated in court, "my father never blocked my birth mother. Her claims are false. He never raised his voice or hit us. When my dad found out that we secretly met our birth mother he asked us if we wanted to live with her but we both chose to stay with our dad. My little sister was everything to me. I would've given up anything for her. Ever since my sister passed away, she has never asked about where she was laid to rest. She only asked why she made such a choice."

She added, "Despite how hard and painful her life was, my little sister was a good person. To hear our birth mother say something so unspeakable especially as a pastor was just..my blood was boiling and I wanted to throw up. I sincerely ask you to rule against my birthmother who's unfairly trying to profit from by poor sister's death."

In a phone interview with Joongang Ilbo, the eldest daughter C stated, "My mother is only showing up now to get money from her estate just because she's the birth mother. But that doesn't take away the responsibility that comes from giving birth to a child. Shouldn't she compensating us for the damage?" Another serious problem is the fact that my father has a veteran's pension that my birth mother also applied for. If my father dies before her, as the surviving legal heir, the pension will go to her. In the process of reviewing the documents the agency asked us why she applied for it when she didn't even raise us."

The case has been tried four times in front of Judge Hong Seung-Mo of the House of Representatives I of Namwon Branch of the Jeonju District Court and the sentencing hearing is scheduled for July. 

In the meantime, Goo Hara's brother Goo Ho In has promised to fight to get "Goo Hara Law" passed in the 21st National Assembly after it failed on the 18th. 

고 구하라씨 오빠 구호인씨가 지난 22일 오전 서울 여의도 국회 소통관에서 '구하라법' 통과 촉구 기자회견을 하고 있다. 뉴스1
  1. [+6,955, -52] You must pass the law to prevent devils like her that throw away their kids from inheriting their dead children's estate.
  2. [+5,769, -212] The National Assembly even threw this case away. It'll get dismissed. They always choose to side with each other. I thought Yoon Mi-hyang etc. was innocent too..I wish you the best of luck.
  3. [+5,153, -38] Taking advantage of the filial piety law to take money. Aren't you scared of  being judged in heaven? This is why the Goo Hara law needs to be passed
  4. [+118, -0] She needs to return that money. Morally or legally this is plain robbery
  5. [+112, -1] Is she really a pastor? What kind of pastor would do something so evil? She's the devil in the flesh.
  6. [+106, -1] I don't understand parents that abandon their children..why even give birth to them in the first place..
  7. [+86, -1] Pass Goo Hara Law!!
  8. [+42, -0] How are they lawmakers if they can't even change the law. 
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