Jinro Soju ads begin to appear on American TV perplexing netizens

Source: Daily Economy

Hite Jinro announced on the 4th that they'll begin to show Jinro Soju ads for the first time on American TV through sports channels such as ESPN and NBC Sports in the US. This is the first time that TV advertisements for a Jinro brand have been conducted overseas. 

The ads will be showcased mainly in pubs, bars, etc and will be aired in New York and LA for 5 months beginning this month.

  1. [+3,231, -26] Eating off Korea once again...shocking.
  2. [+911, -34] I hope they will be able to export a lot and help the Korean economy. 
  3. [+905, -56] If only people would stop drinking..we'll be able to reduce accidents, gossip, diseases and property losses. 
  4. [+709, -220] This isn't the real soju. It's just a diluted version made with saltka alcohol, some condiments and water. Are they seriously advertising this as soju expecting people to drink it? +_+;
  5. [+155, -25] Distilled liquor? That looks like diluted soju
  6. [+94, -2] Drinking alcohol doesn't turn you into a ba$tard, it just brings out your true nature
  7. [+74, -2] Why are people drinking anyway... I just don't get it. 
  8. [+40, -3] Who would want to drink that?ㅋㅋ It has such a cheap taste. The people drinking this are just looking to get drunk. Jinro soju isn't even a distilled liquorㅋㅋ. 
What are your thoughts on the ads? 


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