Are Koreans too critical of people that test positive for coronavirus?

Article: "I didn't go to church or meetings..." A family suffering from confirmed positive cases

Source: Yonhap News

The article talks about the "Lee" family in Incheon that contracted coronavirus even though they didn't attend Sarangjeil rally, church gatherings or meetings. 

According to the wife, "the day her husband was transferred to the hospital for coronavirus, she received calls from all over the place for over four hours. Because the husband didn't have any symptoms two days before the diagnosis, he went to work as usual."

But after media reports confirmed her husband had caught coronavirus, criticism poured out stating, "did he seriously go to work like that? Is he insane."

As a result, the wife is asking for social perception over people that are confirmed positive to be changed so that it doesn't become a "scarlet letter."

  1. [+9,581, -2,272] The class of this government has turned patients into criminals. They made it seem like everyone was following quarantine rules when lots of thug ba$tards were out doing the opposite.
  2. [+6,930, -2,388] So then why are you still allowing churches and others to gather? It's because the government is out encouraging travel giving out coupons that a lot of people are testing positive for corona.
  3. [+3,545, -1,097] I'm honestly shocked no one has gotten diagnosed with mental illness by now after workplaces shut down and created a panic. In Korea, over 300,000 people die every year, at least 820 a day. Only 320 have died from corona and 95% were in their 60s or older. Thousands die every year from the flu. The politicians that gave out coupons for the holidays to gain support are the ones creating panic. 
  4. [+2,582, -65] People need to realize that anyone can become a super spreader..
  5. [+1,706, -36] Every time someone is confirmed positive in our neighborhood, everyone goes around asking for their personal information and address. That could be me or my family member. It's a shame because I see so many people that just go back out and make the same mistakes all over again without thinking. 
  6. [+633, -105] It's because our government is run by thugs. The same people that opened up airports are the ones catching it and spreading it. That's why they don't know the exact path of infection. Just look at kids at Itaewon..Gwanghwamun..
  7. [+626, -13] Yeah...come on guys. Let's stop now. Is this a disease worth treating others like criminals? Is there anyone that wishes to catch it?


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