CCTV of another black man suffocated by police with a bag surfaces

Article"I was afraid he would spread the corona"... Bagged black man arrested and suffocated

Source: SBS

CCTV of another black man being suffocated by police with a hood over his face has surfaced. 

[Police: Get down on the floor! Do it behind your hand! Don't move! (Yes.)]

[Man: Please take it off. Please peel this off! Oh lord, please listen to my prayers.] 

The police officer presses the man's face against the ground with the hood over his face and presses his neck with his hand. About two minutes later,, the man suddenly doesn't make any noise anymore and the police officer checks his condition. 

[Police: Hey, are you okay? Are you vomiting now? Hey, are you vomiting?] 

The man doesn't respond. 

Later, he was confirmed dead. This is a bodycam video from late March showing the arrest of Daniel Prude in Rochester, New York.

Police explained that they put a hood on his face because they were concerned about corona infection because he was spitting during his arrest. However, Prude's older brother is claiming that he's the one that reported his younger brother to police to help him as he was having a mental health incident not to get his killed. 

After the incident was made public, protests were held in front of the police station. 

  1. [+479, -3] I've heard that Americans are ignorant people but I'm in shock. I can't believe they're this ignorant.
  2. [+117, -0] Wow...a real killer...this is just. What's wrong with people?
  3. [+111, -1] Wow...this is too much. They could've just put a mask on him. Did it have to be a hood...!!!
  4. [+90, -1] There's a reason why Europeans say Americans are ignorant people ~~~
  5. [+9, -1] What the hell is up with police in that country?
  6. [+6, -0] Corona really made me question why America and Europe are considered advanced countries.  No civil awareness whatsoever!
  7. [+6, -1] Korea is heaven. 


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