Article: Son Jung-min's friend A's cell phone found...will the remaining suspicions be resolved?
Source: YTN
- [+1,761, -71] First a civilian rescue worker finds Jung-min's body and now a sanitation worker found A's cell phone? What have police been doing for the past month?
- [+1,448, -197] This is why we can't trust police or media. This is so disappointing. There is a lot of evidence already that shows substantial doubts as to how Jung-min ended up in the water but they're not broadcasting it and police are continuously saying A has nothing to do with it. How is A not a suspect yet after its been confirmed he threw away his T-shirt and shoes from that night? He can cut the tail all he wants but the criminal tag will follow him for the rest of his life!
- [+663, -68] Wow, this whole scenario is a comedy! Police are doing everything they can to make A innocent. Is this something we should be experiencing in 2021? Not one suspect this whole time? Tomorrow they'll announce the investigation is closed due to lack of evidence. Why not become a writer with these makjang scripts they keep writing..
- [+181, -6] They don't care about the contents of his cell phone anyway so don't put any hope on the results ~~~ I have a feeling they'll come back with nothing ㅋ
- [+169, -7] The cell phone was found just one day after 'Gal' aired...daebak! such amazing timing!
- [+126, -4] Was the cell phone wearing an umbrella?? How many times has it rained already this past month...does it make sense it was worked right after a charge??? Is this a comedy??!
- [+105, -9] Ah ~ what a makjang drama. The most important clue in the case arrives at the most opportune moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.