Dispatch obtains testimony that Han Ye Seul met her boyfriend at an illegal host bar

Article[Exclusive] “Is the man’s past a novel?” Han Ye-seul's boyfriend's controversial past confirmed

Source: Dispatch

Dispatch was able to obtain several reports about Han Ye Seul’s boyfriend including his past history with women. Even reports of victims from his past were revealed.  

According to reports obtained, Han Ye Seul met her boyfriend last year at an illegal entertainment establishment, a “Molyoung” (secret karaoke host bar) in Cheongdam-dong. The bar is not licensed as a Class 1 establishment meaning therefore not allowed to have a karaoke machine in the back room and they can’t hire a male waitress. 

Dispatch confirmed registration of the business and found it was registered as a general restaurant. Currently, the bar’s sign has been changed to ward off crackdowns of it being an illegal business. 

A male escort B that worked with Han Ye Seul's boyfriend revealed to Dispatch, “He’s closer to a “hwaryu” than a host. The purpose of a ‘hwaryu’ is to sleep with guests. A 'hwaryu' is chosen by the female guest and are subject to a rotation system so guests trying to book one need a large sum of money to get one to seat with you.”

Another netizen C told Dispatch that Han Ye Seul’s boyfriend was sponsored by many women. C revealed, “He received financial support from married and divorced women such as X who lives in Daechi-dong.” He then shared several photos as evidence. “He met a married woman several times. He left the establishment in September while dating Han Ye Seul.”

Another netizen D stated, “It’s not a sin to fall in love but Han Ye Seul even tried to make her boyfriend into an actor. She tried to bring him into her agency so that he can debut as an actor but there were disagreements within the company. It doesn’t matter if she tries to wash away her boyfriend’s identity. Does she think she can erase his past and hide behind the controversies?”

In the meantime, Han Ye Seul’s boyfriend has turned his SNS private and began “unfollowing” friends that he worked with at other illegal host bars in the past.

  1. [+1,675, -89] Wait…so Han Ye Seul met him while he was working a male escort an illegal host bar?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. They’re both the same
  2. [+1,119, -66] I’m more shocked at the reports that the female celebrity caught drugged up and drooling at Burning Sun was her. I could care less that her boyfriend is a male escort. I used to like her because of her acting but, uh ~ farewell ~~~~!!
  3. [+934, -295] How is this an article? Isn’t she free to date whoever she wants? 
  4. [+528, -27] Daebak ~ celebrity image making is no joke. She’s seriously trash now. Is her boyfriend a parasite? Sucking onto anyone to leech off them..
  5. [+430, -24] One of the witnesses Dispatch talked to was another escort that worked with Han Ye Seul’s boyfriend’s regular clients…
  6. [+152, -6] Ye Seul-ah, do whatever you want with your love life but all we want to know is did you take drugs at Burning Sun or not?? That’s what we want to know.
  7. [+58, -0] Shouldn’t she be getting tested for drugs? Looks like the rumors about her getting drugged up at Burning Sun are true...
  8. [+58, -8] Even if Kim Yong-ho and Dispatch are trash, they never come out with empty words. They always come through with the facts ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Source: Hankyung

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