Dispatch reveals chat logs between Jimin, Mina, AOA and FNC staff and exposes Mina's "gapjil"

***Article has been translated as written by Dispatch with their analysis and context***

Article: [Exclusive] "Jimin did not apologize?"...Mina, 128-minute conversation chat logs and Katalks

Source: Dispatch

"I have forgiven in my heart." 

Kwon Mina said that she had forgiven Shin Jimin. 

Did Jimin apologize? 

"She did it in a dream?"

So how did the conflict between Mina and Jimin end? 

"You never know when she'll explode again. The two reconciled in April of last year (2020)" (staff)


(April 3, 2020) Shin Jimin lost her father. The next day (4th), Mina visited the funeral home. Jimin apologized and Mina cried. The two hugged each other like that. 

That evening Mina sent the following text.

Mina: (Omitted)... "The moment you said you were sorry unni, I exploded. What if we had been closer, what if we had been more honest, I really regret that. Thank you unni for being so grateful. Unni, I'm so sorry and thank you.(omitted)...and don't get sick anymore. Let's be healthy. Thank you unni. For hugging me."

And Jimin responded.

Jimin: I love you, Mina.

Mina: I'm sorry and thank you, unni.

Mina: Hug me tight next time!

Jimin: Of course. Let's not get sick, Mina

(April 4, 2020)

The two texted a few more times after that.

Mina: Unni, did you call?

Jimin: Yea [cutesy text], I just thought of you so I called

(April 8, 2020)

Jimin called Mina from time to time and Mina replied with a text message.

Mina: Unni! Sorry for not answering the phone. It's so hard these days. I didn't answer any calls that day. But don't worry. I'll try. Are you ok unni? Don't get sick. If we can meet next week or week after, let's get dinner. Drinks would be great too.

Jimin: Alright Mina-ya (heart emoji)

Mina: Next week and week after, when would work better?

Jimin: Well, I think next week is much better! Mina, are you having a hard time? ㅠㅠ

Mina: Yea, unni. I think I'm going crazy these days..ㅎㅎ

(May 12, 2020)


(Two months later)

On July 3, 2020, Mina suddenly shot at Jimin on Instagram. 

Mina: "I was so scared because a certain unni dragged me to the closet in the waiting room."

Jimin countered with "novel" on her IG. Then Mina posted the 2nd and 3rd exposes in a row.

Mina: "Call it a novel all you want but I was bullied by my unni. There are witnesses and there is evidence. I did nothing wrong. A novel? It's too scary to be a novel. After treating my unni's scars 3, 4 times, it got better. But unni, I still remember, so I go crazy every day."

Mina then posted photo of her slit wrists [self harm] on Instagram.

Mina: "How will I achieve my dream now? If unni is human too, please stop. I hid my medicine box and secretly took pills and endured it. I lived like this. Because of Shin Jimin unni."

On April 3, 2020, Mina hugged Jimin but 3 months later on July 3rd Mina was attacking Jimin. 

Their relationship was back at square one (beginning). 


(July 3, 2020) The day Mina exposed Jimin on IG, Jimin visited Mina with AOA members. Dispatch obtained their chat logs from conversations they had for two hours at the time.

The two kept going in circles because of their difference in "memories." Jimin said "It's all my fault. I'm sorry" and Mina replied, "You don't even remember, so what kind of apology is that?"

Jimin: I came here too because I have something to say. There are things you accepted as being that way but I can't remember any of those things you said. I came here to apologize (for those). 

Mina: You can't remember, really? 

Jimin: So I'll apologize for everything. I didn't know either.

Mina: Wow.

Jimin: I came here today to clear things out. I'll admit I was wrong.

Mina: I wish you'd say something that actually makes sense. I know that you can't remember. Ok, I'll understand you. 

Mina: Unni, you're not at that level. Do you remember how you hit me? You hit me because I was in front of you.

Jimin: When did I hit you? 

Mina: You hit me in the chest like this! Should I hit you the same way? 

Jimin: Did I hit you a lot? 

Mina: Yes. 

Jimin: I thought I only ever pushed you like this...

Mina: No. You hit me with your fist. You don't seem to remember how it happened. Unni, you didn't come here to resolve this. 

Jimin: I'm here to resolve things.


(July 4, 2020) The next day, Mina called out Jimin's (apology) "attitude" on Instagram and said "unni asked me where the knife was so that she could die."

What really happened? We checked their chat logs. 

Mina: Do you see this? The skin on my left arm is torn apart. 

Jimin: Why did you do that? Sorry. 

Mina: Why did you do that? Why? You're really asking me that unni? I'm really frustrated that you can't remember what you did to me. How can you not remember doing that?

Jimin: Do you have a knife?

Chanmi: Don't do it.

Jimin: I'm just going to die. 

Choa: Stop it. If you're going to apologize, doing it right. 

Jimin: I'm sorry...

Choa : If you're really sorry, finish it with just one thing... 

Jimin: It's because of me, so I'll leave..

Choa: Are things going to be resolved if you leave on your own like this?

Jimin: I'll leave. Sorry everyone. Mina, I'm sorry. 


Choa came out and Chanmi also helped to try to resolve the conflict. 

The two continued their conversation again but they were still at an impasse. Jimin couldn't remember exactly what she did and Mina kept saying she wouldn't accept an apology. 

Chanmi: Wait a minute. let's all calm down

Mina: You hurt me like this, but you don't remember?

Jimin: I was wrong. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. 

Mina: Unni, you really don't remember?

Jimin: It's my fault, Everything I did to you. I'm in the wrong.

Mina: I became a crazy person.

Jimin: I'm sorry, really I..

Mina: But I

Jimin: Really, I'm here to say I'm sorry.

Mina: I became a crazy person. I'm broken and you can't remember?

[Jimin bursts into tears] 

Jimin: I’m so sorry that my memory is only like this. It’s all my fault. You don't have to forgive me, but I'm really here to apologize to you. I only pointed that out because I wanted to take us on a good path as a leader. I'm sorry. I didn't know those things hurt you and left you scars. 

Jimin: I'm talking from my point of view.

Mina: Say it please. 

Jimin: From my point of view, as a leader, to you...

Mina: Did you treat me well? 

Jimin: [in tears] I thought a lot that it would be better if we went down a better path.

Jimin: I didn't know that for all of you...pointing it out like that would hurt you. 

Mina: You said you want to walk a better path, but you didn't want to see my body and said my face looks like an X? Is that going down a good path? 

Jimin: I never said that. 

Mina: Because of you unni, I got depressed and ended up on the wrong path. Do you know what I mean?

Jimin: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that as your unni I bullied you over such trivial things. 

Mina: You bullied me every day. Don't you remember? 

Jimin: I bullied you everyday? 

Mina: Yes. I had to take pills every day. 

Jimin: I was the one that stayed with you until the end when you were sick. Don't you remember? 

Mina: I remember. But do you know what I was thinking inside? That you didn't know I was sick because of you. 

Jimin: [in tears] Oh, really? I didn't know.


Their conversations were not going anywhere, not even 1%. 

So Choa stepped in to try to mediate. The other members also shared their thoughts. 

Mina: Why do you hate me?

Jimin: (crying) I don't hate you

Mina: (To the members) Was it only difficult for me?

Chanmi: We can't side with anyone. 

Choa: It's hard for young people to talk things out. And Jimin-ah, this is not a problem that can be solved by just leaving. If there's something you're upset or sad about, just listen. You're the unni. 

Jimin: I'll listen.

Choa: Just listen. 

Choa: And to be honest, how many times did we meet because of fights like this? How many more times will we meet in the future. If you could just listen and say "Oh, that's how it was, I was immature back then, I'm sorry." That's it. 

Jimin: I'm sorry.

Choa: Yes, like that.

Despite Choa's intervention, Mina still took issue with Jimin's "memory."

Mina: You remember the saying, right? That the person that delivers the blow never remembers but the person hit remembers it forever for the rest of their life.

Jimin: I'll leave (AOA).

Mina: Don't leave.

Jimin: No. I'll leave.

Choa: Jimin. Nothing will be resolved if you leave now.

Jimin: Everyone is a victim.

Choa: If you think of it like that, yes. But our schedule was crazy back then. Maybe you were sensitive to Mina to relieve the frustration? And to Mina, she might've taken it that way. Isn't that a possibility? 

Choa: Jimin. Mina once told me, "Unni, it’s really hard because Jimin is so sensitive." I felt sorry but there was nothing I could say. You should apologize for that. 

Jimin: I'm sorry that was so sensitive to you. I was young and immature so I treated you badly. 

Mina: If I could afford the penalty I would've left earlier. I would've left before I became a psychopath. 

Jimin: I'm sorry. I apologize for everything you've been through.

Mina: But I'm really frustrated because you keep saying you don't remember.

Jimin: [in tears] I'll try to remember.

Mina: You won't remember.

Jimin: I'll remember. I was wrong for everything I did to you. I was young and overly sensitive. I'm sorry for being so mean to you. 


This time Hyejeong stepped in. She was closest member to Mina and a friend she often confided in.

Hyejeong: I think things might've been like that. I've heard a story like that from Mina before. 

Hyejeong : But unni can't seem to remember it. Now because of you two...(others are getting hurt too).

Jimin: [in tears] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Hyejeong: Mina, you have to apologize too.

Mina: I'll apologize to the members but not to Jimin unni

Jimin: Right. You don't have to apologize to me. 

Hyejeong: You can't be like that. 

Jimin: I'm so sorry to all of you. I wanted the team to do well. 

Hyejeong: I know.

Mina: That's bulls***. You're kidding, right?

Chanmi: Let's hear her out. Let's listen to what Jimin has to say.

Mina: So was having s*x with men a way to help the team do well? 

Jimin: From my point of view, I just remember thinking I wanted to help the team do well. I guess I didn't realize I was so wrong. Listening to this now, you guys were really stressed out. I'm sorry.

Hyejeong: No, it's ok. We're fine We understand, so we're on your side too, unni. 

Hyejeong: But now, since you can't remember, I think Mina's anger isn't going away. Unni, remember so that you can apologize properly to Mina. 

Mina: [To Hyejeong] She can't remember so how can she apologize. 

Hyejeong: People can keep thinking and thinking. 

Mina: Hey! Even if she thinks about it, she won't remember. 

Hyejeong: She's probably flustered because it's so sudden

Mina: I became a crazy person.

Hyejeong: I think I'll going to become a crazy person because of you. 

Mina: Try being a crazy person then, even once. 

Hyejeong: I don't want to.

Choa: Mina! It could be that Jimin really doesn't remember. She did apologize. 

Mina: But when she came in, you all saw it. It's like she came in to fight me. 

Chanmi: She didn't know the specifics of the situation so maybe that's why she came in that way. She may have had some doubts about it. 

Mina: [in tears] I understand what you're all saying, but really, try to live a day in my life

Choa: I'm sorry, Mina. As your unni, I didn't know you as well as I should. We should've talked and resolved it if something like that was happening. 


Mina decided to listen to members and accepted Jimin's apology. But the wound did not heal easily. 

Mina: Ok. I'll take the apology. I accept the apology.  

Jimin: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 

Mina: Ok unni. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I lost my mind. I'll stop about your dad. I'm sorry too, about the dad thing.

Jimin: We're sorry. 

Hyejeong: That's what I said. We all did wrong.

Mina: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, so please leave my house now. You apologized. I will accept Jimin unni's apology. Ok? 

Choa: Mina..

Mina: I think I'm losing my mind. 

Chanmi: How can we go comfortably? 

Mina: I will try my best. I'll try to understand a lot and forget. 

Choa: I know too. I realize how sensitive I was in the past. I'm sorry to all of you. 

Yuna : Anyway, since you got it all out, it'll get better now.

Mina: Right. I got a lot out. I feel a bit lighter too. I'll try my best in the future. I have to. What else can I do. 

Mina: You [to Seolhyun] don't cry. 

Seolhyun : Yes. Don't worry about us. We just hope you don't hurt or live with resentment in your heart


Finally, Choa summarized the situation at the time. 

She shared her perspective as the unni and tried to understand both sides. 

Choa: We had a killer schedule back then. So we didn't have the time to take care of ourselves. But there's also something else. You're such a sweet and naïve kid. When I talk to you, you don't listen. 

Mina: Yea. that's true.

Choa : You're the type to cover your ears..

Mina: Yea, I do. I'll stop. I'll try to fix that.

Choa: That's why I said, "She's a kid that doesn't listen..." To be honest, I gave up a bit. But I think Jimin thought she was in the right because you listened and followed well if she said anything. But she didn't go about it right either. She was in the wrong. 

Mina: Yea. 

Choa: So you got dissatisfied with that. And because we don't fight much it ended up becoming an issue..

Mina: I 'll work hard too. I need to calm down now. After you came (to Mina's home) and we talked, and said sorry and cried. 

Member: Even Seolhyun, who suffered the most, also said she's sorry.

Seolhyun: No, no.

Mina: Yea, her face has gotten smaller. Do you still have a crazy schedule? 

Seolhyun: Yea, I'm filming a drama. 

Choa: Don't post more (on Instagram), ok?

Mina: Of course not. 

Choa: I also got goosebumps when I think about what you uploaded last time. I went crazy. Don't do it, because you'll be embarrassed later. 

Mina: I'm already embarrassed. 


After meeting with Mina, Jimin posted an apology on SNS.

“I didn’t understand Mina well and didn’t pay close attention to her. Yesterday I cried and prayed and cried again. I was in my early 20s and lived with the thought that our team should only show good image to the staff and outside, but I think I was a leader that lacked a lot.”

So did the conflict between end like that? 

No, it started again. Mina attempted self-harm again after posting a rebuttal on SNS. 

Mina: You begged? When did you beg? 

Before I go, let me say something. Yesterday you said that you did that because you wanted us to go on right path. Does someone like that bring a man to the dorm to have s*x?


Jimin left the music industry. She no longer responded to Mina's revelations. From November 2020 through May 2021, Mina kept sending text messages to Jimin. 

"You read but don't reply. I guess you must be living well. When are you going to sincerely apologize?"

"You know my house. Or should I go there"

(November 2020)

"Jimin, why aren't you replying? Won't you reply even if I die? Get it together.  I'll never forget you for the rest of my life."

"I want you to pay back for what you did. I'm holding it in well. If you're seeing this, reply. Aren't you mad? You should come and hit me ㅋㅋ? Come on. Are you even human?"

"Jimin, you can't do this to me. A person is dying, don't you have feelingsㅋㅋㅋ? You don't have any guilt? It's time for your personality to come out so why are you so quiet?"

"You found a knife in my house? I have a lot of knives now. Come on. You can't even stab me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"As long as I live, I will take revenge, Jimin. I'll never forget the things you did to me and the words you said. I'll pay it back unconditionally, you wait, Samuel Jackson."

(April 28, 2021)

"Jimin, read my texts."

"You messed with the wrong person. Where did our strong Shin Jimin go? Don't you want to fight me? Let's battle. I can go or you can come."

"Come on, you wh*re!"

(April 29, 2021)

She even mentioned parents in her texts.

“Is it no longer fun for you after 10 years? Don't you feel any guilt? Are you even human"

“Doesn’t your mother feel any guilt at all? Her daughter is the reason another person's daughter is dying and thinks of death everyday." 

“Hey Jimin. Is your mom not doing ok by chance? Please get in touch with me. We'll see each other again anyway”

(May 2021) 


(July 5, 2021) Mina holds a livestream on Instagram and says, "There is an AOA member that likes to have sex." Then she left a comment and said, "That's Shin Jimin."

Mina's attacks are still ongoing. On September 1st, she appeared on a YouTube channel and mentioned Jimin again. After that, on the 6th, she wrote 3 more posts. 


'Dispatch' met with staff who spent long time w/ AOA. What kind of memory do they have of Mina? 

A staff member came with a conversation from their Katalk chats that were exchanged at the time. A revealed an "errand" chat and said, "Mina also asked for personal favors. I didn't know making dentist appointments were part of a manager's job. But she asked so I had no choice but to do it."

Mina: Whoever it is, managers, please make a reservation for my dental nerve treatment. How many times do I have to say this?

Manager: I sent you a katalk that we can't make a reservation.

Mina: So call elsewhere. You must've called only that one place. Ask for a reservation at another place.

Mina: Should I wait for when a katalk comes in saying no? Did you ask to reserve another day? No.

Mina also asked to make an appointment for her mother's dermatology procedure. One weekend (Saturday) evening in January 2018, she ordered another personal errand.

Mina: "Can you book a dermatology clinic appointment? Not for me, it's for my mom She wants one."

Manager: I'll call you as soon as I get to work on Monday.

Mina: Thank you. Get one as soon as possible.

Manager: [At 8pm] Can you tell me your mother's name and date of birth? I think they'll need it when making a reservation.

She left a text message even at 2 am on Monday.

Mina: XX-ah, I'm sorry, but when you call tomorrow and there are times available, please make a reservation for the later time.

At 4 in the morning, she sent another katalk. 

Mina: [4:41 AM] If you make a reservation and there's an opening Monday, call me right away.

Manager: [8:30 AM] Ok. I'll call the clinic right away as soon as it opens.

An official from Entertainment Management Association interpreted this as an obvious 'gap-jil'. He pointed out, "If it's necessary for entertainment activities, then you can ask for a clinic appointment. But your mother's dermatology treatment? That's far outside the scope of a manager's work."


The relationship between Mina and the staff wasn't so smooth. In fact, FNC managers called Mina "the commander." Words such as "sensitive" "angry" and "terrifying" appeared frequently. 

Manager: Whoo~ Mina unni is scary.

Manager: Today was a bit much.

Manager: It's not that I didn't send a katalk, I sent it in advance.

Manager: Huh? I sent a katalk yesterday and she said "Hey, don't talk back". 

(April 2018)

The new manager expressed his grievances and the senior manager was busy trying to appease him.

Manager: (from the shop) She comes out angry, doesn't she?

Senior Manager: I think it's just because Mina unni is particularly sensitive.

Senior Manager: Nothing really happens with the other members at the shop.

Senior Manager: Besides, I don't think she slept today.

Manager: It's hard to always be on your toes everyday around Mina unni.

(April 2018)

Mina said she was afraid of Jimin. She wrote, “I couldn’t speak because I was afraid I would be scolded by Jimin unni.” Conversely, the (young) manager was afraid of Mina.

Manager: She arrived at location A and just shut the door and left. I don't know if we can work it out. She seems to still be angry.

Manager: Did you talk to her? Like ask her to send you a katalk when she's heading down.  

Manager: I feel like if I start a conversation with her I would lose it mentally. Ha, this is hard.

(April 2018)

AOA's longtime staff also pointed out Mina's attitude and said that you can't only place blame on Jimin's leadership.

Manager: “I asked her to go upstairs but she asked if she could sleep in the car if there's still time. I really wanted tell her she won't have time to sleep because the camera starts at 2:25 but I feel like she would just say something like "Why didn't you let me sleep? There's still time left?"  

(Bingle Bangle MV Shoot. Manager Report)


'Dispatch' covered the conflict between Mina and Jimin in various ways.

Above all, there was a lot of concern about the scope of the report. After a long discussion, we decided to release text messages, Katalks, and conversations. If only one side's argument is repeated, this conflict will never end. 

The public who consumes (?) Mina's revelations should also know the before and after of the conflict. It's necessary to understand the positions of both sides through objective data. Anger and blame, reproach and understanding come next. 

Finally, Mina is a victim of Jimin. If she was hurt, then she was hurt. 

Conversely, Mina could be someone's perpetrator. If you are hurt, then you are hurt.

Mina: Managers. If we ask for a pickup, don't just ask the singer team, do your best. If we ask you for something, please do your best.

Manager: It's a bit awkward for us to ask the actor manager team too. And we already asked the recording team.

Mina: OOO unni, Why didn't you explain it like that yesterday? Why are you just saying this now?

Mina: OOO unni. Don't call me from now on. Why do I have to listen to you like a student listening to their teacher? I cried because of you too so you should be sorry. 

Mina: This is ridiculous. I just asked you to buy me rice, buy me a cola, and you say it's hard? I haven't talked about it since we came from Konkuk.

Mina: Sorry that I asked for some rice. Are you ok unni? You're saying the backup was difficult because of me, right? Unni, never get involved in my work ever. If you're going to say something like that."

  1. [+1,406, -29] If I was Jimin, I would be mentally ill by now even if I was able to live a normal life after this. If she says sorry, Mina hates it, even if she doesn't say anything. And then sending her katalks in the middle in the night? How can you live life normally after that?
  2. [+1,395, -39] Why does she talk like that..?? She sounds like an ilbe..
  3. [+1,314, -24] I seriously got goosebumps when I saw those chats of her sending Jimin text after text even when she's not replying. And then to call her a wh*re? Wow, I'm in shock. 
  4. [+921, -5] She's the one that slept with a man with a girlfriend one day after meeting him on IG but she's calling out Jimin to be a wh*reㅋㅋ?  Such a disgusting word that I would never even dare to write out myself. She's a psychopath. 
  5. [+524, -3] You can tell from the members reactions that it's true she mistook Jimin's words of criticism as a leader to mean she bullied her. Even if Jimin didn't remember, she still apologized and apologized. If she had continued promoting, I can see how Mina would've gone crazy so she decided to take responsibility and left the group. But what's with her calling out Seolhyun in her will then? She needs to explain that. 
  6. [+482, -3] She even did gapjil [power trip]ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. She needs to be in a mental hospital, seriously.
  7. [459, -3] As the unni, Choa seems to have given up on Mina a long ago ㅋㅋ. She saw her as a child that never listens to others ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
  8. [+349, -3] Wow ~ looking back at it now, Kwon Mina is not human!
  9. [+324, -1] She couldn't even go a day without Instagram so she's back again with some bulls***. 
  10. [+258, -4] I can finally say it. Shin Jimin is the victim. 
Additional source: Pann


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