Article: "MAMA broadcast accident during YGX stage"
Source: The Qoo
야 엠넷 방송사고 났어 이번엔 암전인데..? 사고 너무 많이 난다..
— 죠죤죠 (@JOEJOENJOE) November 29, 2022
- No comment ㅋㅋ
- ???
- F*cking Mnet!
- No.. what the f*ck is this..?
- The timing of when the lights went off..
- I mean that's the choreo team, how are we supposed to see if there's no lighting?
- Looks like they're not on good terms with YG ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Crazy. Poor YGX team must be pissed. They worked so hard to prepare the dance and none of it was seen because of no lighting;;
- They danced but nothing came out..
- Didn't they do rehearsals? This is too much.. This is too high level of an event? Poor performers..
- Why go all the way to Japan to disgrace our country??
- Wow, the whole stage thrown in the dumps..
- This is the level of Mnet's editing during the live broadcast..
- They've been like this to YGX ever since Street Man Fighter..
- Did things go wrong with YG?
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