Is the K-pop "plastic bubble" at risk of bursting?

Article: "I think K-pop will fail if it continues like this"

Source: Pann

Agencies need to realize why idols are gradually losing popularity and declining overseas as well. They're all mass-produced and look like chodings off the factory line. It's not fun to be a fan of them. Their faces are full of artificial beauty from plastic surgery and heavy makeup. It's tiring to look them. Who on earth prefers sausage-shaped double eyelids and Pinocchio noses?

And then the revealing outfits exposing their butts.. just cheap. The outfits are shitty and look like the tiniest of bras that can fit the palm of your hand. 

The songs are poor quality with zero sense of musicality whatsoever. Just disposable music aimed at Tik Tok trends. A cheap imitation of old school pop and 80% of the lyrics are in childish English ugh.

Their robotic dances lack emotion and the stage is full of lip-sync AR, so f*cking boring. The concepts are all the same so its hard to tell who's who. Above all, its seems like these idols have zero passion for music when it's their main job. You have to be passionate about being on stage but most of them look like they only care to be celebrities who receive sponsorships from luxury brands. Even though they're rookies, most of them are aimless chodings. Honestly, because of this, I don't feel like fan girling anymore.

If it continues like this, K-pop is really going to fail. 

  1. [+201, -6] Mandatory live shows should be a thing all idols and their agencies know to do. No matter how clean a performance is, a stage where we can see their gasps of breath live is cooler. It doesn't matter if it's lacking, or if they're out of breath, they should just do it live... The moment they start lip-syncing, it gets boring and you wonder what they're doing. The mic sound is so muffled that you can't even hear the live sound, but pretending it's live by letting you hear their breathing sounds is a scam... Does it make sense to keep lip-syncing just because they're afraid of getting criticized for not having the talents to do it? It's better to see them try to improve than continuously lip-syncing on stage. 
  2. [+173, -8] It isn't just the entertainment agencies either, idols these days are also a problem. They just lip-sync all the time and can't even do a proper dance live because they're out of breath. They don't exercise or practice just take a ton of selcas for SNSㅋㅋㅋㅋ. How are they any different from influencers... They should practice singing instead of dancing. They're sell outs whenever it comes to live performances at concerts, all you hear is AR. Seeing them makes hundreds of millions of won really goes to show they take their fans for suckers.
  3. [+161, -8] Live broadcasts should really be mandatory. I'm a fan too but its too shocking now that I want to quit the fandom.
  4. [+152, -11] It's honestly a bit weird to see album releases with only English songs or songs where english lyrics are more than half of the song, just so that they can do well overseas. The lower the proportion of Korean lyrics the better the results it seems so they weed it all out to that extent. There should be sincerity in lyrics so it's a bit of a shame to see K-pop seems to have given up on that and went all-in on commercialism. 
  5. [+140, -7] First off, can you even call a song aimed at foreign market and sung entirely in English K-pop? Songs that fit our culture and taste should become hits in order for K-pop to be recognized globally. Considering rock ballads were at their peak right before 2nd gen, I hope this K-pop trend will die down and give way to other genres. 
  6. [+87, -63] HYBE is ruining K-pop!
  7. [+84, -0] I can tell K-pop is ruined every time there's a year-end stageㅋㅋㅋ Even if they do collabs and covers, it doesn't become a topic of conversation at all. More than anything, the kids have no talent, and since its all lip-sync its comes off like a cover...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Among the year-end stages this year, 2NE1 was the most memorableㅠ I really hate to say this, but I liked the early 2nd gen era when they used to sing live even though their dances were badㅋㅋㅋ
  8. [+53, -9] I agree with everything else, but the plastic surgery thing is because Koreans' sense of beauty has become bizarre. In Korea, natural and innocent beauty was the standard, but at some point it became excessive. Even kids who were innocently pretty suddenly got double eyelid surgery, put silicone in their nose because it was a little low, and added lip fillers to their lips.
  9. [+47, -1] Just don't let the monster looking ones debut. The problem is the entertainment agencies that force plastic surgery on perfectly normal kids for aesthetics. I want to stop seeing faces that look foreign.
  10. [+46, -1] It would be nice if we had less idols and more diversity in concepts. For ex. 2-3 member units like Bolbbalgan4, Orange Caramel, Davichi. But since only young idols appear, the talk and genres are limited and they all look the same and you get tired of them easily. If we compare it to movies, it feels like there are always 5-7 young, pretty, and handsome main characters, so the genre is always high teen or youth dramas.
  11. [+41, -0] Well, first off, idol songs are so terrible I can't even listen to them. 
  12. [+35, -0] It's the veteran agencies that aren't changing. These old farts have lost their sense and continue to create and produce idols with terrible aesthetics. They just think that if they pick tall girls, slant their eyes, fix their nose, take off their make-up they'll look pretty. They keep picking old-fashioned tacky pop songs that follow the trend ugh~ I really wish a group that makes real music comes out. 
  13. [+22, -1] K-pop will be a lot more fun if we banned plastic surgery, lip syncing, and GD disease.


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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