Article: [HK Video] Park Bom, 'With long hair flowing down to the waist, gracefully~'
Source: Hankyung
- [+175, -12] Why does she look like Harisu??
- [+67, -7] This journalist is her anti...elegant??
- [+62, -17] I've seen better looking people..
- [+17, -0] What's the point of reposting this article from the 18th on the 25th...
- [+12, -2] Harisu with Amy's face~
- [+8, 2] Is she human??
- [+6, -1] She would be prettier if she didn't put on makeup like that..
- [+5, -2] She looks like a pig..
- [+4, -1] She looks like she gave birth..
- [+3, -0] I guess she gained a lot of weight..
- [+4, -2] This reporter doesn't know the meaning of grace
- [+3, -1] I thought it was Amy?
- [+2, -0] Reporter..please don't write articles like this..Is this a joke??