Yang Hyun Suk returns home after 14 hours of police investigation

Article: Yang Hyun Suk returns home after 14 hours of police investigation

Source: Xports News

Yang Hyun Suk has concluded 14 hours of investigations for alleged witness intimidation.

The former YG Entertainment executive arrived at the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency in Suwon at 10:00am on the 9th for investigations wearing a black suit. He didn't leave until 14 hours later at 11:50pm after questioning was complete.

When asked by a reporter whether "he's ever threatened whistleblower 'A'," he responded saying, "I have been faithful to the police investigation. I revealed all the facts" and exited the building.

Yang Hyun Suk was originally scheduled to attend investigations on the 6th but had to reschedule because the media caught wind of the schedule. This is the first time that he has attended investigations for B.I's alleged drug purchase.

Police stated that "they have yet to determine whether additional summons are necessary."

Knight images
  1. [+56, -6] This is all a show. He'll be proven innocent next~
  2. [+12, -6] I hope Akmu can escape YG. 
  3. [+8, -3] He's been charged with a mouthful already...nothing will happen.
  4. [+8, -4] Yang-ah-chi ~ [thug]
  5. [+7, -3] Turn it off...I don't want to see anything about this trash~
  6. [+6, -2] If it wasn't for Seo Tai-ji he'd be dancing at an adult nightclub by now.
  7. [+6, -4] His image is more trash than that of a politician in the National Assembly~
  8. [+4, -1] Is he laughing?
  9. [+3, -5] I can't believe Chanhyuk once called him "a father-like figure".
  10. [+1, -5] If you're getting bored with YG can you finally investigate Jungkook for violating traffic law and causing an accident? Why isn't the fact that he settled the accident with money a big deal? He didn't even apologize for it. Isn't that a bigger crime? Why aren't you catching him. 

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