Seungri denies women were prostituted inside his home

Article'Burning Sun' Seungri denies prostitution, "typo from woman who 'plays well' not 'gives well'"

Source: MBN 

Former Big Bang member Seungri is denying women were prostituted at his home. 

At the 24th trial held at the Military Court in Gyeonggi on the 30th, Seungri defended himself strongly denying all allegations of prostitution, illegal filming, habitual gambling and embezzlement. His parents were also in attendance and watched prosecutors interrogate Seungri from the audience section.

Seungri asserted that all sex trafficking allegations were led by former Yuri Holdings CEO Yoo In-seok (37) and stated that "he became co-CEO at his company because he was asked by Yoo In-seok."

When asked about testimony from 2 women A & B that they were prostituted in his home, he stated, "I was actively promoting at the time so there's no way I would've paid for sex from prostitutes. My parents and younger sibling lived right next door and came in from time to time because they had password to my house. Would I have done that knowing my parents could enter at any moment?"

When asked about Yoo In-seok gifting him a prostitute to his home he stated, "I have no recollection of any comings and goings of prostitutes."

Regarding controversial katalks in Jung Joon Young's chatrooms, he stated, "The contents of those chatrooms do not represent my whole life. Just because it was shared doesn't mean I was aware of everything. I was always coming and going and didn't realize those chats would be revealed. I'm sorry."

He also denied allegations that he arranged for prostitutes in his texts to a club MD asking for "women who put out" and explained they were a "typo."

  1. [+2,070, -12] Bury and exile him from society forever
  2. [+1,096, -2] It's been years already and his best excuse is an autocorrect "typo?" He's earned enough money anyway so don't come out and live quietly!
  3. [+737, -5] ㅋㅋㅋ How often did he use that phrase for it to auto correct to thatㅋㅋ
  4. [+408, -4] 치This is funnier than Oh Keo-don who claimed he had dementia ㅋ
  5. [+374, -5] Ah ~ this ba$tard is really going to stay shameless to the end ㅋㅋㅋ
  6. [+88, -1] If prosecution fails to send him to prison this time they should all quit their careers 
  7. [+77, -1] He does realize auto-correct autofills frequently used phrases right? That means that phrase got a lot of use ㅋㅋ
  8. [+69, -2] Is that seriously his excuse?ㅋㅋㅋThis is the same as a rap*st claiming he accidentally fell and stuck it inside the womanㅋㅋ


Avid kpoppie! Virgo, Bingsu빙수, mint-chocolate ice cream, ramyun, tarts over cakes. twitter instagram rss

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